For many years on the fringes of LENR - there has appeared to be this
somewhat nebulous cross-connection between anomalous heat and ultra high
temperature superconductivity. This is more "suspicion" than proof ... but
IR photon coherence could be the glue that ties the two together.

"Energy driven superconductivity" is a topic which may fit into this puzzle
somehow. It is new to me, and this is an invitation for anyone who has
looked at the cross-connection between LENR and superconductivity to expound
on what they have seen.

It is a new way of looking at superconductivity to describe it in terms of a
lower kinetic energy state. For now, the theories of  energy driven
superconductivity do not necessarily predict ultra high temperature states,
and these would be needed to include the Rossi HotCat, so this analysis may
be an exercise in futility.

However, there is a nagging suspicion that reaching a high state of order at
a temperature plateau, such as what has been called "triple coherency" could
also suddenly lower the net energy of a synced system in such a way that at
least numerous states of "local superconductivity" resulted. 

Local superconductivity could be defined as an accumulation of atoms in a
structure like a nanodot, nanorod or nickel-embedded CNT (as in Zhao paper
below) - which results in what looks like very high temperature SC as
discussed here:

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