On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

When alpha particles pass through material, a series of nuclear reactions
> can occur that emit radiation. In addition,  bremsstrahlung radiation is
> emitted as the alpha slows down. Hagelstrin describes these processes in
> the papers I attached previously. I suggest you read them.

If an alpha is born from a [dd]* resonance in which the mass energy is
fractionated among a large number of sinks (e.g., nearby electrons and ion
cores), the 4He daughter would have no or almost no energy.  There would be
the bath of photons from the fractionation, the nearly stationary 4He
daughter, and no Bremsstrahlung from collisions by a fast particle.


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