Interesting digging... make that "tunneling" for novel particles which could
be involved in LENR due to transfer or coupling from Dirac's sea into

Besides positronium itself and electronium (as a hypothetical particle) -
there is molecular positronium, which may not be hypothetical.

Cassidy, Greaves, et al "Experiments with a High-Density Positronium Gas,"
Phys. Rev. Lett.95, 195006, 2005. This paper mentions that they could have
isolated a molecular version positronium which would be Ps2. 

This molecule would be uncharged and have two positrons and two electrons
and be similar to H2 in that way - but notably, would be bosonic in its own
unique way (double Cooper pairs?) and presumably more stable than Ps. 

If the Dirac sea exists in another physical dimension at near zero K, as
assumed, and is also a BEC in itself, according to Don Hotson, then it might
be possible to collect liquid Ps2 directly for use as... hmmm... rocket

Turns out, part of this idea was already conceived by someone else 20 years
ago: Platzman and Mills "Possibilities for Bose Condensation of
Positronium",  Phys. Rev. B 49, 454, 1994.

Nothing new under the sun ... 

... unless that is, there is a previously unknown connection of all of this
to LENR... and for the record (you heard it first on vortex)... here is a
fringe-of-the-fringe accounting for the recent Mizuno experiment.

D2 + Ps2 -> 2H2   which is to say that one deuterium molecule interacts with
one positronium molecule resulting eventually in 2 hydrogen molecules...
actually 4 protons and 4 electrons which carry away a modest gain which
would not produce gamma radiation. The Ps2 tunnels in from the Ni-62 matrix,
which is the "gateway" to Dirac. See:
"The coldest nucleus in nature as a gateway"

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