Is it too naïve of me to suggest that we can derive some insight from extreme 
relativistic considerations where for example the paradox twin attains  99% of 
C? the twins are existing in two different inertial frames 90 degrees displaced 
from each other yet both still perceive themselves in normal 3space.. the 
temporal dilations and contractions we perceive between inertial frames in 
extreme must be indicative of the interface  between our “perceived” 3 spaces 
and this other dimensional sea of Dirac  using any vocabulary you like for the 
inhabitants, epos, virtual particles, ether or even river of time. The 
Pythagorean relationship between V^2 and C^2  in SR also suggests much 
ambiguity and relative  measure when using terms like  zero K  because the 
local observer is unaware of changes in time or temperature and if temperature 
is based on motion [dx/dt] then at C all spatial displacement ceases and only 
temporal displacement remains from the perspective of the stationary observer. 
I guess  my point is that if the twin frames are 90 degrees displaced from each 
other then 1 of the twins must be traveling parallel to the direction of this 
Dirac sea instead of perpendicular. IMHO Lorentzian ether, the appearance and 
annihilation of virtual particles and even epos are all valid perspectives for 
what the ancients called the river of time and SR serves to formulate the rate 
of intersection between these dimensions.

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 11:40 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:positronium BEC from molecular Ps2

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton

> If the Dirac sea exists in another physical dimension at near zero K, as 
> assumed, and is also a BEC in itself, according to Don Hotson, then it might 
> be possible to collect liquid Ps2 directly for use as... hmmm... rocket fuel?

Come on Jonesie, it's more complicated than being at or near AbZ. Negative 
energy means that there are negative temperatures and reactions which generate 
heat in our world create negative energy in the bizarro world.  It would be a 
world of symmetry with high energy negative temperature reactions. Stars would 
have coronas of -10,000 degrees.

or not.


Sounds like you are envisioning Dirac's sea as "like 3-space" in an inverted or 
reciprocal way. Perhaps as a strange kind of parallel universe?

Maybe. I envision it as much simpler and "boring" so to speak - a near-infinite 
array of strings or tubes, with every point in our 3-space having a 
corresponding string of Dirac space. The string appears to be nearly 1D from 
our perspective, having length from its own perspective but no other tube is 
“there” than the one of the observer, so it can be called a fractal of 

This is different from Hotson and some other conceptions – and there are 
different hypertubes, sometimes called a Dirac tube or the Bhabha tube. At this 
point in time, there are more questions than answers.

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