Axil, I agree, said simply this is equivalence,  if the paradox twin could 
somehow come to rest at  an event horizon or to a lesser extent land on a dead 
star  his equivalent acceleration would provide dilation equivalent to actual 
spatial displacement – the ether accelerating thru the object vs the object 
thru the ether.  Using gravity is one way to provide “confinement” relative to 
density but IMHO there is a far more interesting possibility at hand in LENR by 
the geometry of metal lattices and defects .. the possibility of breaching the 
isotropy to disallow  longer vacuum wavelengths / virtual particles to exist in 
between conductive boundaries. The Haisch Rueda analogy of a rainstorm and a 
stationary car vs a car travelling very quickly down a highway focuses on the 
number of raindrops per second hitting the windshield for these 2 conditions. 
The analogy supports the Pythagorean concepts of SR WRT Velocity and C  but it 
is a very work intensive method of providing dilation that would never lend 
itself to breaching COE. My point is that this is a negative form of your 
confinement that is provided by geometry instead of requiring work to 
accelerate an object. Instead of “confining” or compressing stationary matter 
with a deep gravity well to make it orbit faster at the atomic level  and 
intersect with more “raindrops” per unit time this method reduces the number of 
raindrops! The Casimir geometry prevents the bigger virtual particles 
[raindrops] so the hydrogen atoms see fewer raindrops /unit time than a 
stationary macro object would perceive as part of the isotropy. A gravity hill 
/warp as opposed to a well. I suspect the tapestry of different geometries 
actually shatters the isotropy as opposed to just breaking it once [Casimir 
Effect vs DCE] and that this opposition between the isotropy and DCE is why gas 
motion and Casimir geometry go hand in hand with these anomalies.

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