The vacuum is a spin net liquid where virtual particles are created and
destroyed in rapid fashion where their spins are random existing without
order. When a process imposes order on these virtual particles, the vacuum
becomes a factor and gains strength.

For example, magnetic field lines increase the order of the spin of the
virtual particles in the vacuum which results in a modification of the
decay rates of radioactive isotopes. This is a LENR process.

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Interesting digging... make that "tunneling" for novel particles which
> could
> be involved in LENR due to transfer or coupling from Dirac's sea into
> 3-space.
> Besides positronium itself and electronium (as a hypothetical particle) -
> there is molecular positronium, which may not be hypothetical.
> Cassidy, Greaves, et al "Experiments with a High-Density Positronium Gas,"
> Phys. Rev. Lett.95, 195006, 2005. This paper mentions that they could have
> isolated a molecular version positronium which would be Ps2.
> This molecule would be uncharged and have two positrons and two electrons
> and be similar to H2 in that way - but notably, would be bosonic in its own
> unique way (double Cooper pairs?) and presumably more stable than Ps.
> If the Dirac sea exists in another physical dimension at near zero K, as
> assumed, and is also a BEC in itself, according to Don Hotson, then it
> might
> be possible to collect liquid Ps2 directly for use as... hmmm... rocket
> fuel?
> Turns out, part of this idea was already conceived by someone else 20 years
> ago: Platzman and Mills "Possibilities for Bose Condensation of
> Positronium",  Phys. Rev. B 49, 454, 1994.
> Nothing new under the sun ...
> ... unless that is, there is a previously unknown connection of all of this
> to LENR... and for the record (you heard it first on vortex)... here is a
> fringe-of-the-fringe accounting for the recent Mizuno experiment.
> D2 + Ps2 -> 2H2   which is to say that one deuterium molecule interacts
> with
> one positronium molecule resulting eventually in 2 hydrogen molecules...
> actually 4 protons and 4 electrons which carry away a modest gain which
> would not produce gamma radiation. The Ps2 tunnels in from the Ni-62
> matrix,
> which is the "gateway" to Dirac. See:
> "The coldest nucleus in nature as a gateway"

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