I am right.  And as I said earlier,

 I think I have learned enough about your perspective not to listen to
your advice.

On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com>

> Maybe you are right Kevin. The Swedes are making it hard for you. Damned
> Swedes.
> I did not know the Swedes were obligated to do anything for you? Have you
> paid for it? Or do you think they owe it Rossi and he does not want your
> $250k - wonder why.
> Some times the best Strategy is to hurry up and wait.
> Just FYI if you cannot follow you cannot lead either.
>  Good Luck. My only point is that it will never pay to suspect negative
> things are personal to oneself by some body who is out to 'git ' you. Try
> to find a positive spin instead.
> BTW my 'tagline' as you say is an auto signature in my email and if it
> disturb you I will be happy to try to eliminate it when talking to you. :0
> Best Regards ,
> Lennart Thornros
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Kevin, I just said stock prices will not improve before the big players
>>> come in and they are not going to read 'the report' and d raw conclusions.
>> ***You're talking about big cap stocks.  I'm talking about small cap
>> stocks.  CYPW Cyclone Power in particular.
>>> 'The report' will do nothing for business.
>> ***Not for big fatcats.  But CYPW aint a big fatcat.
>>>  After market intro the suppliers of auxiliary equipment has a market.
>>> Then there will be competition and that will be one by the one with the
>>> best position (position is technology, management, organization, capital
>>> etc.) . Hard to predict today.
>> ***Not really.  Oil will plummet, so will solar power.  Waste Heat Engine
>> companies (like CYPW) will go up, as well as desalination companies.
>>>   To blame others and circumstances is futile. Outside things can be an
>>> explanation but not the cause.
>> ***If they are the explanation then they are the cause.  These swedes are
>> not fulfilling their obligation.  I'd bet that this is exactly what Rossi
>> thinks.  They screwed up the last report, they're screwing up this one.
>> They had six months.  All of us KNEW that there should likely be isotopic
>> analysis with the 6-month test, but lo and behold!, these swedes just
>> discovered the need for it.  Are they REALLY that incompetent?  Hard to
>> believe.  Are they human, subject to human temptations?  Easy to believe.
>> They are engaging in insider trading on their knowledge.
>>> Your assessment of dealing with put options is correct. I would hesitate
>>> as I think such companies as the energy companies has capital and are well
>>> oiled machines (pun not intended). On the other hand there is a possibility
>>> to BIG gain.
>> ***CYPW stands to have BIG gain.  They shot up 100X on CONVENTIONAL  news
>> in 2007.  This is black-swan-now-you're-in-the-spotlight news.  But the
>> swedes are so friggin lazy, incompetent, and morally corrupt that they have
>> changed the situation on the ground.
>> 2 years too short and I would wait until LENR is commercial.
>> ***You seem not to realize that the stock market is all about future
>> value.  If you wait until LENR is commercial, EVERYONE will be clamoring to
>> get in on the action.  It will make the dotcom boom look like a lemonade
>> stand.  I think I have learned enough about your perspective not to listen
>> to your advice.
>>> Easier to assess the situation.
>> ***Again, you seem not to realize what the whole stock market thing is
>> about.  By the time you're taking stock tips from the bellman, it's time to
>> get out.  That's what you are promoting here.
>>> The ideas that market is cornered
>> ***It is Absafreekinglutely cornered by these swedes.  The market right
>> now is for information.  Like Gordon Gecko said, "The most valuable
>> commodity I know is information".  They have it, and they are hoarding it.
>> But you can't see that they might possibly be just a tad bit tempted to act
>> on the $Trillion information they possess.
>>>  and conspiracy is dominating should keep your money out of the market.
>> ***Cliche, meaningless cliche, don't know what your obfuscating and going
>> on about.....
>>> If you do not believe in your own investment than nobody else will and
>>> therefor nobody wants to buy your investments. Thus your investment will
>>> decline in value. Bad spiral - not a cliche. I would not invest without a
>>> personal engagement just for that reason. That is not an advice it is a
>>> personal opinion that fits me.
>> *** don't know what your obfuscating and going on about.....again...
>> you're pretty far afield from your initial set of assertions.
>>> I do not know how to invest in Rossi.
>> ***Then why did you give such advice upthread?  Indeed, it was heavily
>> weighted advice from you.
>>> I think that there is a price but I think it is very high and the only
>>> one that can answer your question is Rossi.
>> ***In other words (though YOU didn't answer the question), there are
>> precious few ways for a common man to "invest in LENR or Rossi". CYPW
>> Cyclone Power is one of them.  All your endless obfuscations haven't
>> furthered the common man's desire to support and invest in LENR one iota.
>>>  I f you know there is a LENR product ready for the market - INVEST.
>>> (Let me know so I can buy one.)
>> ***You appear to be a market lagger, not a market leader.
>>> Then you say "Your reasoning appears to be... I don't like it, so
>>> therefore it can't happen". That is in response too that I do not know what
>>> Jed's opinion is.
>> ***No.  It was in response to this:
>> I could not even come to think along such lines. Way
>> to manipulative and full of no good conspiracy suspicion.
>> ***Your reasoning appears to be... I don't like it, so therefore it can't
>> happen.
>>> Confused? I think so and full of negativism, which will take you nowhere.
>> ***your free advice is duly noted and taken into account how much I paid
>> for it.
>> Yes, Enron happened. Conspiracy was perhaps a part of the game later on.
>>> I will not discuss the issue with you but
>> ***but you proceed to discuss the issue.
>>> that I think that some good ideas were allowed to become way too big and
>>> then illegal methods were used to camouflage the situation. My point being
>>> that the illegal actions was not a conspiracy.
>> ***Then your point is completely, utterly, and overwhelmingly lost.  It
>> WAS a conspiracy.  It was over FAR LESS money than what LENR will do to our
>> economy.  Temptation was there, and they succumbed to it.  There is FAR
>> MORE temptation here, right now, today.
>>>  It was done to cover overoptimism.
>> ***And the current swedish hoarding of information is done with the
>> traditional swedish eye towards providing for family.  But you think swedes
>> are somehow immune.
>>> More common than we know and sometimes it works. Your negative and quick
>>> judgement
>> ***quick judgement would have been to say such a thing in April.  Maybe
>> even May.  But this is June, with bullshit leaks of November releases of
>> the information.  Nothing quick about my judgement.
>> is not conducive to catch the opportunity, in my opinion.
>> ***More cliche, meaningless cliche.  Are you really a leader like your
>> tagline says?  You don't interact like a leader.  You interact like a
>> follower.
>>> No do not sell because Swedes are lazy or anything else to do with the
>>> Swedes. Sell if you do not think your investment is going to grow. Stop
>>> blaming others for short term disturbances in the market. Believe in your
>>> investment, get involved but stop putting blame on others.
>> ***Other than the fact that it is the swedes who are cornering the market
>> on this information, your advice sounds wonderful, warm, fuzzy, and
>> ear-tickling.  You ain't a leader I would follow.
>>>  You say early in your response ; "***Well, normally I'd ask why you
>>> think such a thing, but our interaction has been a bit torturous so I'll
>>> just drop it." I did answer that above. However, I do not want you to be
>>> tortured so let us end it here. Really I think you have heard 'my two
>>> cents'. In addition I need no more opinions that are influenced by cynicism
>>> based on human behavior. In my opinion most people are meaning well. Fear
>>> and remorse are driving the negative side often without a connection to
>>> reality and never with sustainable result.
>>> www.StrategicLeadershipSac.com
>>>> ***Strategic leadership?  It would appear that your strategy is to wait
>> to see what everyone else is doing and then follow them.  It's strategic
>> followership.

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