Kevin it does not make any difference to me if you are doing good or bad
decisions. As you are talking about it and think others are to blame - I
thought it was fair game and I do call a spade a spade. However, now you
have made an investment and when it goes sour then the solution is to find
a sinner. I understand that if it is not conspiracy then they are
individually ganging up on your investments. You have imagination I will
There is no accusation in that. Just simple fact. I have said all the time
it is a dangerous time to do investment in this genre. Nothing for

Education or title has nothing to do with performance. You stated they are
'gurus' - well educated. I simply said that does not mean anything in
regards to what they have promised and should have known.

No, Kevin you are the one talking about conspiracy. I do not think, that
talk has any merit.

No, you did not say that AR is in a cover-up. However, he ought to be more
aware of what is going on than you and I. Then he is the one who has gotten
a timeline.
If he thought they are delaying, by pure evil and personal greed, he would
not be understanding of the delay.

We can leave my leadership business out of this argument. I certainly would
not try to lead you. To negative - a hopeless case. Or  maybe you just act?
Hope so.
I do not have to exhibit any leadership in a discussion that is just a
circle. Just thought that you should chill if you saw that it obviously is
nobody else thinking as you do.
Did you mention accusation? Heard the story about throwing rocks in
I do not know your age. It could just as well be a compliment. My memory
although cloudy by the years, let me remember that at 21 I thought
everything should work. At that age I think I
could have invested and blamed someone else or the cold summer of -64. At
14 there were other things but investment that interested me. Do you think
I might get those hormones in that same frenzy? What is it that makes you
think so? Let me know .
BTW my English could be better - I knew that before you pointed it out - I
guess it was pure goodwill from your side.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Lennart Thornros <>
> wrote:
>> I do not know how you defend your own greed -
> ***That has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
>> especially if you have made the wrong decision.
> ***Why should it make ANY difference to you, whatsoever?
>>  Kevin you are just one of.
> ***You'll need to rewrite that sentence because it has no meaning.
>>  My point was not that AR should say something els9e - he could say
>> something less irritating to you and othersthat belive conspiracy is the
>> issue.
> ***So, you're back to reiterating your point.  One thing to keep in mind
> is that a conspiracy does not necessarily have to exist for this outcome to
> be as late as it is.  Each one of those 7 PhD's could have decided
> INDEPENDENTLY to take advantage of the information.
>> Reality is that you are just concerned about yourown greed.
> ***Reality is you're deflecting, and now getting accusatory.
>>  You have made another big mistake that makes me belive you are 21.
> ***Insults now, huh?  Such poorly crafted insults make me believe you are
> 14.  You certainly have no business claiming "strategic leadership" as a
> tagline; more like strategic bandwagon joining and purely conventional,
> inside-the-box thinking.
>> Reality is that education and academical merits has no correlation to
>> ability of making things happen - often the opposite.
> ***Perhaps some day I might possibly care enough about what you just wrote
> to ask you to clarify it.
>>  Observe I have never said that it is OK with not living up to ones
>> promises, just that conspiracy does not go with the territory.
> ***There you go again, with a straw argument of conspiracy.
>> AR's response isso farfrom acover up that even you . . . .
> ***When did I EVER claim that Rossi is engaging in a coverup?  Please try
> to exhibit some of that strategic leadership you lay such a claim upon.
> Stop using straw arguments.
>>  On Jun 30, 2014 5:14 PM, "Kevin O'Malley" <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Lennart Thornros <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Kevin,
>>>> At least you have to try to believe that people are not all malicious.
>>> ***I'm not attributing malice.  I'm attributing greed.
>>>>  He certainly could say that he is disappointed and that he feels that
>>>> they have broken their promises.
>>> ***And that would help out his case exactly how?  They'd just delay the
>>> report even further.
>>>> He could say a lot other things instead of just throwing out a lie,
>>>> which he for sure would have to pay dearly for if you are right (which you
>>>> are not).
>>> ***Perhaps you are not familiar with Rossi's credibility issues
>>> regarding his past posts on JONP.
>>>> There for sure are other motivational factors for people than greed.
>>> ***Yes, there are.  I just find it difficult to believe that these 7
>>> PhD's are so incompetent.  I mean, the vast majority of Vorts knew that
>>> there would probably have to be  isotopic analysis on the 6 month test.
>>> But these geniuses are ONLY NOW getting around to thinking about doing it?
>>> That simply does not add up.
>>>> Best Regards ,
>>>> Lennart Thornros
>>>> +1 916 436 1899
>>>> 202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648
>>>> “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
>>>> commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”
>>>> PJM
>>>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yeah, I read it.  What else can Rossi say?  You don't spit at the
>>>>> alligator until you're done crossing the river.
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Lennart Thornros <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Alan,
>>>>>>  I am 100% a believer in that those statements are a true reflection
>>>>>> of the reasons for the delay.
>>>>>> I hope Kevin reads it.
>>>>>> Best Regards ,
>>>>>> Lennart Thornros
>>>>>> +1 916 436 1899
>>>>>>  202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648
>>>>>> “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
>>>>>> commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”
>>>>>> PJM
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:
>>>>>>>    - Andrea Rossi
>>>>>>>    June 29th, 2014 at 9:46 AM
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>    Giuliano Bettini:
>>>>>>>    I edited your text for obvious reasons, conserving the meaning
>>>>>>>    of it. You must know that the peer reviewing of a scientific 
>>>>>>> publication
>>>>>>>    usually takes 6 months as an average.
>>>>>>>    The experiment made by the Third Independent Party is important,
>>>>>>>    as you correctly wrote, and the Professors, to avoid criticisms, 
>>>>>>> need all
>>>>>>>    the time necessary to publish results of which they need to be sure 
>>>>>>> beyond
>>>>>>>    any reasonable doubt, also considering all the experience and the 
>>>>>>> critics
>>>>>>>    made during and after the 2013 experiment. It is not just matter of
>>>>>>>    patience, it is also matter of respect for serious scientific work. 
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>    reviewing must take all the time it needs on the base of a serious 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>    exhaustive analysis of the results, positive or negative as they 
>>>>>>> might be.
>>>>>>>    Warm Regards,
>>>>>>>    A.R.
>>>>>>>    - Andrea Rossi
>>>>>>>    June 29th, 2014 at 7:40 AM
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>    Angel Blume:
>>>>>>>    We will give detailed public information about the 1 MW plant in
>>>>>>>    operation in the factory of the Customer when the visits will start. 
>>>>>>> At the
>>>>>>>    moment we cannot give any specific information. It is matter of 
>>>>>>> months, not
>>>>>>>    years, though.
>>>>>>>    Warm Regards,
>>>>>>>    A.R.

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