On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Foks0904 . <foks0...@gmail.com> wrote:

What parameter is limiting the downshift exactly? Ahern has speculated
> that ferromagnetic collective modes, first explored by Ulam, are at play in
> LENR. These systems tend to amplify the vibratory modes of a system and
> then tend to localize energy in a coherent fashion -- seemingly in
> violation of the second law (i.e. an open system phenomenon). This seems
> compatible with Hagelstein. If this sort of self-organizing collective mode
> is at play in LENR, what's to limit the downshifting/sharing effect across
> the system?

I think we're thinking of something vaguely similar, and the terminology is
starting to become ambiguous.  When I think of a hot metal, I think of a
lot of motion of the metal lattice atoms and, overall, a chaotic
environment.  The higher the temperature, the more chaotic the movement of
the lattice sites.  It is hard to imagine some kind of coherent motion of
the heavy lattice sites spontaneously forming in such a context; in this
regard, I am in agreement with Ed Storms.  One might speculate that
Hagelstein is attracted to the general approach of working out a harmonic
oscillator simply because the math is familiar and leaves open the
possibility of fractionating a large quantum of energy (perhaps we could
call it the 24 MeV PdD quantum).

What I'm thinking of is related to what one might think of as
"downconversion," but different.  When there is a fusion underway, it
proceeds in stages.  First the parent nuclei come together, and if they are
close enough to tunnel, you get a compound nucleus.  In the case of dd
fusion, the [dd]* compound nucleus is highly unstable and will quickly
decay to a more stable configuration.  In plasma fusion research, this
particular compound nucleus is known to transition from the excited state
via three channels—d(d,n)3He, d(d,p)t, and d(d,ɣ)4He.  These are the
channels we're aware of for this particular reaction, which we've become
acquainted with in the context of plasmas.  When I think of
"downconversion," I think of a d(d,ɣ)4He fusion happening and a gamma
forming, and then you take care of the gamma by stepping it down through
some kind of nuclear-level transformer.  Once we've gotten this far, my
intuition tells me that we're too late, and you're going to get the problem
that Bob and Jones mention, where a significant portion of the gammas are
going to leak and kill the graduate student.

I don't think Hagelstein is talking about this.  He's talking about
something that preempts the gamma altogether by splitting the energy of the
decay of the compound nucleus across a large number of phonon modes (and
also more recently "nuclear degrees of freedom").  My difficulty with
Hagelstein's approach is not how he tries to avoid the gamma by
transmitting smaller packets of energy off to a large number of sinks; it's
in his focus on harmonic oscillation.

To my mind, the evidence best fits a story in which there is fusion of many
different kinds occurring, and what is needed to bring it about without
high energy gammas is a strong Coulomb field.  Somehow the Coulomb field
switches on a latent fusion branch that is not possible in diffuse plasmas.
 The Coulomb field provides a kind of path to ground not unlike the ground
found in electronics.  The presence of the field unlocks a way for an
unstable compound nucleus to transfer the energy it must shed to sources of
charge in immediate area.  In this regard it is reminiscent of a lightning
rod.  Or like a capacitor with a short circuit to ground, the compound
nucleus does not undergo any of the usual three decay modes and instead
quickly imparts its energy via Coulomb coupling.  Both electrons and ion
cores receive an impulse.  In a momentary flash, the ion cores, which are
very heavy in relation to the compound nucleus, barely budge, and the
electrons are accelerated enough to give off soft x-rays.  Even a 24 MeV
charge is thereby harmlessly diffused across a large number of sinks of
differing masses.

A candidate in my mind for such a Coulomb field is the narrow confines of
the z-pinch of current in which a beam of protons or deuterons is
accelerated under astronomical force into the side of a metal grain, in the
context of the arcing of an electric arc.  My assumption is that this
Coulomb field is significantly stronger than in a diffuse plasma.  The
branches mentioned above were for PdD.  In the case of NiH, I assume there
is a combination of nickel proton capture and 3He generation (via pd
reactions), as well as lots of other reactions, depending upon the


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