I appreciate & respect Mizuno myself, and perhaps his new experiment will
reveal something of real value moving forward, but to pin all your hopes on
a single, non-replicated blown-out-of-proportion experiment, while at the
same time dismissing over a dozen time-tested studies of the heat/helium
correlation in PdD (some direct replications of others while others are
merely similar) goes beyond willful ignorance in my opinion. This is just
classic pseudoskeptical logic being interjected into an argument between
"believers" in hopes of making a case for an ego-driven-theory (or
theories) that has very little connection to experimental reality.The
arguments against the Miles work is nothing new, has never been brought to
task in a peer review, or even quasi-peer reviewed, and Jones is now just
trying to save face (pointlessly so) because he made a mistake by trying
to "blow the lid off" (just like Krivit) with this red-herring PPB vs. PPM
distinction (as Jed & Mel have made abundantly clear). "Disbelievers" in
heat/helium are welcome to that opinion, but it is a "faith-based" argument
in terms of the actual probabilities/percentages.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>

> I wrote:
>> In any case, their cells produced about a thousand times more power than
>> Miles . . .
> Correction: ~200 to ~500 times more power.
> I have no idea whether these cells were gas tight enough to collect
> helium. Most cells are not.
> - Jed

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