Jones -- You are so hell-bent on winning an argument you can't perceive
your own childishness. I'm probably not even half your age and I know how
to act like more of an adult than you. Drop the adolescent "LOL" and
winning-is-everything attitude, will you please?

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  This has got to be a joke, right?
> Foks sez: believers in Heat-helium are “Faith- based” LOL… that makes my
> day.
> In fact, since there are no gammas, there is no valid scientific
> conclusion other than that the fusion of deuterium to helium *cannot* be
> responsible for gain. But – if you are a true-believer and not a scientist
> - what difference does logic and factuality make?
> This is not to say that helium cannot appear with excess heat. It can.
> However, if we want to stay away from the faith-based nonsense you are
> spouting here, the only thing which we can be sure of, based on nuclear
> physics - is that the helium did not come from the fusion of two deuterons
> to helium-4.
> Jones
> *From:* Foks0904
> I appreciate & respect Mizuno myself, and perhaps his new experiment will
> reveal something of real value moving forward, but to pin all your hopes on
> a single, non-replicated blown-out-of-proportion experiment, while at the
> same time dismissing over a dozen time-tested studies of the heat/helium
> correlation in PdD (some direct replications of others while others are
> merely similar) goes beyond willful ignorance in my opinion. This is just
> classic pseudoskeptical logic being interjected into an argument between
> "believers" in hopes of making a case for an ego-driven-theory (or
> theories) that has very little connection to experimental reality.The
> arguments against the Miles work is nothing new, has never been brought to
> task in a peer review, or even quasi-peer reviewed, and Jones is now just
> trying to save face (pointlessly so) because he made a mistake by trying
> to "blow the lid off" (just like Krivit) with this red-herring PPB vs. PPM
> distinction (as Jed & Mel have made abundantly clear). "Disbelievers" in
> heat/helium are welcome to that opinion, but it is a "faith-based" argument
> in terms of the actual probabilities/percentages.
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Jed Rothwell <>
> wrote:
> I wrote:
>   In any case, their cells produced about a thousand times more power
> than Miles . . .
> Correction: ~200 to ~500 times more power.
> I have no idea whether these cells were gas tight enough to collect
> helium. Most cells are not.
> - Jed

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