Brian did not add much detail. He did not mention the guy's name. Maybe we
can persuade Jones Beene to enlighten us on that, perhaps by playing him
like a harp.

Brian said that he asked the guy whether it was correct to use a pyrometer
centered on 7-13 microns. The guy said that is exactly the right range.

Brian added that the expert:

". . . performs such measurements every day for over 35 years.

He actually uses the same pyrometer for measuring things like rocket plumes
with temperatures up to 2000C.

He believes the  data is accurate and was conducted in a manner consistent
with his experience. The measurements rely on accurate emissivity data and
he says they were indeed accurate."

As I mentioned, a lot of this depends upon the material and surface
roughness but this expert is familiar with high temperature alumina vessels
and he thinks this was the right choice for them.

- Jed

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