G'day all.

The Apple store in Australia does pay GST.

From their terms and conditions:

"8. GST 

Apple Store purchases will include GST. If you phone in your order, the Apple 
Specialist will provide the final dollar total of your order including GST and 
any applicable shipping charges at the time you place your order. The invoice 
Apple emails or posts to you will include GST."

Having read a bit about the big stores in Australia and Gerry Harvey and their 
complaints about non-GST-paying internet stores, my understanding of the 
situation as a whole is that their complaint is the overseas internet stores 
don't pay or charge the GST for goods under $1,000.

However, if a store sets up an internet store in Australia and sells to people 
within Australia, then GST applies across the board as per a physical walk-in 

The Australian Apple store has an Australia address in Sydney and also an 
Australian 13.... phone no. Which also, I assume, means staff (at a different 
pay to staff in the American store I would think).

I assume that Apple sets up its internet stores in various countries, including 
Australia, as it must make it easier to display local prices and, considering 
they include free shipping, take shipping costs into account when setting the 
local country price structures up. However, local taxes apply and in our case, 
it's 10% GST. The Australian store also has to comply with the "Trade Practices 
Act 1974 and other applicable Australian consumer protection laws and 
regulations" and any associated costs.

I don't think it matters where the actual download comes from, it's where it is 
sold from.


Pete Smith

iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
750GB Hdrive OS X 10.6.5

On 07/01/2011, at 16:25 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> I understand where you are coming from and your concern. My reply was in 
> reference to the link you supplied which referred to "iTunes users fight back 
> against inflated music prices" & how to get around this by creating a US 
> iTunes Account.
> Hugh Griffiths reply touched on 'market economics'.
> There is a markup for the cost of business in each country.
> I agree, Aperture is an Apple Software product. None of the prices on the US 
> App Store include sales tax. The US does not have a uniform federal VAT. The 
> sales taxes is different in every state and sometimes city jurisdiction.
> AFAIK Hardware, Software is all subject to GST, so all the prices on the AU 
> App Store include Australia Government 10% GST (& possibly importation fees).
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is how I understand it works. I'm certainly 
> no expert on GST & our Government's import duties & Customs Laws.
> Regards,
> Ronni
> On 07/01/2011, at 3:13 PM, Alexander Hartner wrote:
>> While I don't condone stealing especially from software developers and 
>> musicians, I do feel it is not reasonable for Apple to set different prices. 
>> Your comments regarding record companies is only partially right, as this 
>> thread started with Aperture, which is an Apple product. I fail to see why 
>> they should charge Aussies more then our cousins from the other side of the 
>> pacific. 
>> I used to life in the UK and had my account there. Since moving down under I 
>> changed my account, but wish I hadn't. 
>> Just an observation, but generally things seem more expensive here in Oz. 
>> Guess you can't have it all. Sunshine, beach, cheap prices .... :-)
>> Alex
>> On 7 Jan 2011, at 13:37, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> The comments: 
>>> /Quote:
>>> "Stealing is stealing no matter how easy it is to do or however you 
>>> rationalise it."
>>> and:
>>> "the biggest issue is that Apple when they do catch onto you, your credit 
>>> is gone"
>>> /End Quote
>>> Says it all.
>>> It might 'seem' unfair to people that don't understand (or research) all 
>>> the factors which cause the price difference.
>>> The exchange rate is only one factor in the pricing equation.
>>> Also, Apple doesn't set the prices, the record companies do, the Record 
>>> Companies and Rights Holders in Australia charge iTunes.
>>> If you want to blame someone blame EMI Australia who sets the prices, not 
>>> Apple. While your at it, ask the Australian book publishers why electronic 
>>> books are so much more expensive in Australia than they are overseas and 
>>> why all titles available on overseas stores aren't available here. 
>>> I'm not about to start a 'Flaming War' as this issue has been discussed 
>>> before on WAMUG.
>>> I apologise if my little "Rant" upsets anyone.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 07/01/2011, at 12:28 PM, Alexander Hartner wrote:
>>>> There are ways and means :
>>>> http://www.news.com.au/technology/itunes-users-fight-back-against-inflated-music-prices/story-e6frfro0-1225982198878
>>>> apparently. 
>>>> On 7 Jan 2011, at 01:06, Dark1 wrote:
>>>>> Aperture is a great deal but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed 
>>>>> that Aussies are being screwed over a bit.  US on the new store is $79.  
>>>>> The price differences from the original Apple store could be justified 
>>>>> since there were additional costs associated with shipping and taxes in 
>>>>> Australia.  I could be wrong but I think buying from an online store 
>>>>> would bypass the Australian taxes and there certainly isn't any shipping 
>>>>> involved yet we pay $20 more.  I wonder if it's possible to trick the 
>>>>> store into giving you US prices by using proxy servers.  Probably not but 
>>>>> it would be interesting to see Apple's response if someone found a way to 
>>>>> do it.
>>>>> Ruben
>>>>> In a word ... AWESOME
>>>>> There are some great bargains available to. For all you budding 
>>>>> photographers Aperture less than half price ($99.99) normally $249
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> Pedro
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