Hi Paul

Reg Whitely

Home: 08 9921 7272
Mob: 04 8899 7313
Email: rwhit...@internode.on.net

On 11/07/2011, at 12:03 pm, Paul K wrote:

> I do understand that you did not intend to incite fear, just healthy
> skepticism. A good thing. But I draw your attention to Reg's response:
> "My son is keen to try it an good luck to him, and
> I need to point out he has no association with WAMUG whatsoever, but in doing
> so perhaps he's putting the rest of his family at risk."
> I'm happy to be corrected by both Reg and you, however to me Reg
> sounds a bit spooked.

Damien is a clever young man and is quite left wing when it comes to 
multinationals and security 'terrorists'. Where possible he would use android 
and linux!
I'm sure he will read the fine print. I brought him into the discussion only 
because he has invited me to join Google+, and I'm not keen on it. I am on 
Facebook and took a lot of time screwing down its security to protect me and my 
family and friends as much as possible. 

I dislike Twitter and have no association with it, and a brief early foray into 
Myspace still presents me with spurious young ladies wishing to make my 
acquaintance - not!. 

Ronni's research came at just the right time for me to reassess this situation.

This animated growth model of Facebook security is worth viewing. Note it is 
current only to 2010:



> If so, IMHO I believe that to be unwarranted.
> As I said earlier if the end user perceives benefit as weighed against
> the risk then a good thing has happened.
> If it came across as a jab I apologise, it was only intended as a nudge :-)
> Maybe what I could have said is; yes skepticism is a healthy thing but
> you did not speculate much about the potential benefits just the
> potential risks.
> Regards
> Paul
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