Hi Peter,

Short answer to why Time Machine has done a larger backup of iPhoto.
You had made changes in iPhoto by importing video. Then you were uploading that 
video file to Dropbox.
You are storing your iPhoto library inside of a disk image file (sparsebundle), 
which obviously is a single (huge) file. So any time the disk image changes, 
Time Machine will back up the entire file, which in your case is many gigabytes.

Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 14 Sep 2014, at 8:31 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Ronni, been a bit busy and off caravanning for the weekend.
> But this evening I finally got the Time Tracker downloaded and within a 
> minute or so I could see the “enormous backup”. Whilst Time Machine was 
> saying it’s 175GB in size, the Actual file from Time Tracker is 148.4GB. So 
> by zooming into the BIG stuff, the culprit is iPhoto. It’s the folder called 
> “Masters” responsible for 136GB of the 148.4GB which i presume holds the 
> image Master files and the Thumbnails folder responsible for 9.6GB of the 
> 148GB. 
> This iPhoto library has been backed up before and for months has been 
> routinely doing all the backups normally.
> Why would it trigger a Full backup of the iPhoto library all over again. I’ve 
> effectively lost 175GB of space on the backup drive for seemingly no good 
> reason. 
> The Master folder contains beneath it a number of folders one for each year 
> and each of these reports in this backup for their respective sizes I presume.
> Is there anything I should do?
> If I do nothing it will proceed ok but I am puzzled why this “Enormous 
> Backup” had to exist.
> Thanks for the tip on Time Tracker, it is a beauty.
> If I blow away the old sparesebundle and rebuild a backup from scratch, I 
> would recover the space but the do nothing option is easier at the moment.
> Regards
> Pete.
>> On 8 Sep 2014, at 9:46 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Why did you download Pacifist? I didn't mention Pacifist, you don't want 
>> Pacifist!
>> I said to download 'Time Tracker'
>> TimeTracker
>> TimeTracker is a quick-and-dirty application that displays the contents of 
>> your Time Machine backups, and shows what's changed since the previous 
>> backup. TimeTracker is in an extremely early state, and is as such very 
>> unpolished.
>> Download TimeTracker (prerelease), which works with 64-bit Intel Macs 
>> running OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) or greater.
>> <http://www.charlessoft.com/TimeTracker.zip>
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> On 8 Sep 2014, at 9:29 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni, I have downloaded the Pacifist software and in the process of 
>>> "Loading Pete's Macbook" (ie Macbook Sparsebundle file). I don't have a 
>>> Thunderbolt to Ethernet connection so I've gotta do it wirelessly (but I 
>>> just ordered one) so I expect it will take ages to 'Load'. Oh well, 
>>> hopefully it will present the culprit taking up huge data volume from my TC 
>>> backup disc. I have stopped routine TC backups for now - nothing to loose.
>>> Whatever is the cause for this I can do one of two things. Either I 
>>> understand from this exercise what is the cause of this huge data 
>>> consumption and just leave the sparesebundle alone OR I blow away the 
>>> sparesebundle and do a complete backup from scratch again and manage the 
>>> cause of why this all happened so that I can keep the freeboard I had prior 
>>> to this.
>>> Regards
>>> Pete
>>>> On 7 Sep 2014, at 7:20 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> Time Tracker  is free;  it is pretty basic but usually works well.  It 
>>>> only shows backups on the current backup destination, though, so if you've 
>>>> got more than one, you have to select the one you want (if you're using 
>>>> "rotating backups," it's the set most recently backed-up to).
>>>> Time Tracker works by comparing a completed backup you select to the one 
>>>> before it. 
>>>> So if you select a large backup, it’s going to take a while to determine, 
>>>> calculate, and display the items.  
>>>> If your backups are on a network, connect via Ethernet if possible.  
>>>> It will still take a while, but be 2-3 times faster than WI-FI.
>>>> That also means that, after 24 hours, you're not really looking at what 
>>>> was backed-up on a particular backup, but all the backups since the 
>>>> previous one.
>>>> And you can’t select the oldest backup, since there’s nothing to compare 
>>>> it to, or one that’s running, failed, or was cancelled.
>>>> The Time Tracker display is similar to a Finder window in "List View"
>>>> The dated backups will show 0 bytes until you select one, then the app 
>>>> will calculate the size, so may take a while.  
>>>> You can click the disclosure triangles to see the items in that folder 
>>>> that were backed-up. 
>>>> Time Tracker will only show backups on the volume currently selected for 
>>>> backups (or most recently backed-up to) in Time Machine preferences.
>>>> The recent version of Time Tracker may give you a permissions error on 
>>>> network backups;  if it does, try double-clicking the sparse bundle via 
>>>> the Finder to mount the disk image.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>>> On 7 Sep 2014, at 5:36 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, I have a MacBook Pro Retina 13" 256GB with a 2TB attached external 
>>>>> drive (currently with around 550GB on the external drive). I have the 
>>>>> external drive INCLUDED in my TC backups and the backup size (according 
>>>>> to the TM Options panel) is 659GB. It has been backed up for many months 
>>>>> now and routinely has been doing the updates hourly per the normal 
>>>>> schedule. The backup drive is 1TB attached via the USB with a powered hub 
>>>>> to the 3TB TC.
>>>>> I know some might think having only 1TB is small for a machine capable of 
>>>>> being around 2.25TB (on board Mac Pro drive + the 2TB external) but for 
>>>>> the moment the held memory is well inside the 1TB limit.
>>>>> Last night i took a video with my iPhone and then imported it to the 
>>>>> MacBook Pro to iPhoto. The video file was ~330MB only 2 minutes worth.
>>>>> Last night I also tried to push the video file up to my Dropbox and it 
>>>>> said around 1 hour to complete which was fine so I just let it go. This 
>>>>> morning when I woke up the Macbook, it still hadn't completed and it said 
>>>>> it had 10 minutes remaining. Then I noticed it commencing a routine 
>>>>> backup and I often check the size of the backups just to keep a mental 
>>>>> track of data backup size. The Backup is 174.92GB (yes GB)!!
>>>>> I was very surprised to see this as normal backups are in the order of 
>>>>> ~50MB or maybe 1 or 2GB if I have imported some photos but I have never 
>>>>> had a routine backup this size. 
>>>>> Is there a way that I can interrogate what files are being backed up so I 
>>>>> can see what has caused this? It will significantly reduce the freeboard 
>>>>> I had to the 1TB for what appears to be for a meaningless reason. Maybe 
>>>>> it was the Dropbox activity that's caused this.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Pete
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