We had to go on the NBN shortly and on my brother in law’s recommendation I 
tried Aussie Broadband. The result has been fantastic! Cheaper, guaranteed 
Australian call centre (which makes a huge difference being older and deafer), 
constant updates of what is going on (whilst connecting) Since connecting 
absolutely no problems at all. I still keep waiting for the catch, but so far, 
none. Perhaps I was just lucky, but I’m sold.
Kind regards

> On 17 Feb 2019, at 8:50 am, Rod Blitvich <rb...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Sorry - smoke coming out of my ears
> I guess this is the sad result of a great WA company being taken over by TPG
> I have been a loyal iiNet customer for 25 years
> 15 days ago I signed up with iiNet to switch from iiNet Broadband to iiNet NBN
> After numerous stuff-ups, being on hold for 20 - 40 minutes at a time, not 
> receiving promised call-backs, receiving a call-back yesterday FIVE hours 
> after requesting one etc I am still not connected to the NBN.
> Finally my hardware arrived on Friday afternoon.
> I connected it as instructed on Saturday - guess what? It doesn’t work.
> Finally have been told today that it can’t proceed as iiNet are waiting for 
> my connection request to be lodged with NBN.CO
> I asked the caller whose job was that - she replied -“iinet’s”
> Not satisfactory?
> Don’t worry sir it should all be taken care of in the next 2 to 3 days.
> And don’t disconnect anything in the meantime
> So now I wait for up to another 3 days with no Internet (as i had to 
> disconnect my existing Broadband.
> Far-Out!!!!
> <image.gif>
> Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam’s Dad
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
>  Good Ideas 
>  0409 681 256  
>  rb...@iinet.net.au 
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