Switching to NBN - 
Here in Busselton, after 24 years with Westnet, with the disconnection of the 
analogue phone service imminent I signed up with Telstra for an NBN internet 
This consolidated all our fixed and mobile phones and now our internet with one 
(I did start with Westnet, but they were unable to give any coherent service 
offerings or timings and I moved on.)
The deal with Telstra was done in Dec 2017 and the change over date scheduled 
for 19 Feb 2018. 
The modem arrived in early-January and I immediately replaced my existing ADSL 
modem with the new VDSL modem, configured it for my existing Westnet account, 
and continued as usual.
On the 19 Feb, as promised, NBN Co opened the node (big box on the curb) around 
the corner and switched switched us over.
Only later that day when I thought to check the speed did I realised that we 
were now on the Telstra service using the NBN and getting 15 times the previous 
download speed.
In a word - seamless!
It’s been working flawlessly ever since.
That’s the country life for you.




> On 17 Feb 2019, at 11:27 am, Susan Hastings <susanhasti...@mac.com> wrote:
> We had a fairly easy ride with Iinet side of things for the switch to NBN, 
> any holdups were with NBNco. As we’ve been on for a year or more the pain of 
> switchover is long forgotten. Iinet have also been reliable with phone 
> support over the years. No complaints here.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 17 Feb 2019, at 11:18 am, Peter Curtis <pe...@augold.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi
>> We had to go on the NBN shortly and on my brother in law’s recommendation I 
>> tried Aussie Broadband. The result has been fantastic! Cheaper, guaranteed 
>> Australian call centre (which makes a huge difference being older and 
>> deafer), constant updates of what is going on (whilst connecting) Since 
>> connecting absolutely no problems at all. I still keep waiting for the 
>> catch, but so far, none. Perhaps I was just lucky, but I’m sold.
>> Kind regards
>> Peter
>>> On 17 Feb 2019, at 8:50 am, Rod Blitvich <rb...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>> Sorry - smoke coming out of my ears
>>> I guess this is the sad result of a great WA company being taken over by TPG
>>> I have been a loyal iiNet customer for 25 years
>>> 15 days ago I signed up with iiNet to switch from iiNet Broadband to iiNet 
>>> NBN
>>> After numerous stuff-ups, being on hold for 20 - 40 minutes at a time, not 
>>> receiving promised call-backs, receiving a call-back yesterday FIVE hours 
>>> after requesting one etc I am still not connected to the NBN.
>>> Finally my hardware arrived on Friday afternoon.
>>> I connected it as instructed on Saturday - guess what? It doesn’t work.
>>> Finally have been told today that it can’t proceed as iiNet are waiting for 
>>> my connection request to be lodged with NBN.CO
>>> I asked the caller whose job was that - she replied -“iinet’s”
>>> Not satisfactory?
>>> Don’t worry sir it should all be taken care of in the next 2 to 3 days.
>>> And don’t disconnect anything in the meantime
>>> So now I wait for up to another 3 days with no Internet (as i had to 
>>> disconnect my existing Broadband.
>>> Far-Out!!!!
>>> <image.gif>
>>> Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam’s Dad
>>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
>>> Good Ideas 
>>> 0409 681 256  
>>> rb...@iinet.net.au 
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