Hi Pat, sorry to hear this. I had heard of some troubles from people
on the WAMUG upon the initial release of Catalina but nothing of late.
Your note comes out of the blue for WAMUG I think. Can you be specific
about the issues you;re having?  I am holding off doing my update to
Catalina simply because I hadn't had the time to research if the early
issues had been resolved or not. Do others have any first hand user
experience about it's use and issues they have had. 
Is there anyone else recommending to NOT install Catalina at this

Kind Regards

Peter Crisp 

----- Original Message -----
From: wamug@wamug.org.au
To:"wamuG Mailing List" 
Sent:Wed, 29 Apr 2020 16:55:57 +1000
Subject:Horrible Catalina

 Hello, WAMUGgers, I moved over to Brisbane,4 months ago. My computer
didn’t catch up with me for several of those months. When I finally
cranked it up and pushed the Start button, there was Catalina. Well, I
thought, I hope it is as good as its predecessor. But, I was in for
shock after shock. To put it in straight words: I Hate Catalina. There
are so many horrible changes; what has Apple been thinking? I read
about the Mac virus problem, but that doesn’t warrant the infliction
of Catalina on unsuspecting computers.

 Anyway, does anyone know if Catallina will be superceded? Soon? And
does anyone know if there is anything like WAMUG in Brisbane? 

 I wish good health for all of you in these treacherous times.

 Stay safe and warm,
 Pat Scott

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