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personal attacks, new world order"Why can't we just all get along?"  Ha Ha
----- Original Message -----
From: Jackson Jeffrey W 1stLt AAC/INA
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 9:49 AM
Subject: {W&P} personal attacks, new world order

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> I will not read any responses to what I write that begin with
> an attack
> on my character or what I know.  If you want me to read your
> opinion, you
> will be as respectful of me as you want me to be respectful
> of you.  CS
Assuming this is directed in part to me, since you've accused me of this
before, I'll offer a small explanation.  I frequently attack your ideas, and
some of them I dismiss without much thought, but asking you to rigorously
defend your thoughts is neither an attack on you as a person or upon your
character.  You may consider the "crackpot" remark an attack on your person,
and I appologize for that because it was unprofessional and added no value
to the debate.  However, if you're offended because we ask you WHY you think
something, and then point out the inconsistencies/lack of evidence upon
which you base those thoughts, this is certainly not the forum for you.  I
enjoy finding inconsistencies in my thoughts because it means I'm learning,
and I think many here would agree.
> The problem I see is the specialization and the military order which
> results in a mechanical society.  In a modern bureaucracy people are
Perhaps you should change your term from military to fascist.  The military
bases its organization on efficiency and order, much like fascism.  Indeed,
in many countries this leads to a close association with the military and
fascist dictators.  However, by equating the military of a democratic
country with fascist ideals you often make completely indefensible claims
against those sworn to protect your right to make such claims.  (Support and
defend the constitution...)
By the way, the Air Force's core values are "Integrity First, Service Before
Self, Excellence in All We Do."  In my experience, that is the way we do
business.  That certainly doesn't make military members out to be the
inconsiderate warmongers you describe.  If you are going to criticize the
military, which is completely acceptable in this forum, please base your
information on credible facts and examples rather than vague opinions about
our personal character.
As for your claims about the term "New World Order" that Bush used, as I
said I think that was bad word choice and he did not mean that we are
adopting a fascist society.  Consider the following quote from my college
American Government book about labels.
        "The definition of these words has changed since they first came
into use in the early nineteenth century.  Then a liberal was a person who
favored personal and economic liberty--that is, freedom from the controls
and powers of the state.  An economic liberal, for example, supported the
free market and opposed government regulation of trade.  A conservative was
originally a person who opposed the excesses of the French Revolution and
its emphasis on personal freedom, and favored instead a restoration of the
power of the state, the church, and the aristocracy.
    "Beginning around the time of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, the
meaning of these terms began to change.  Roosevelt used the term 'liberal'
to refer to his political program--one that called for an active national
government that would intervene in the economy, create social welfare
programs, and assist certain groups (such as organized labor) to acquire
greater bargaining power.  In time the opponents of an activist national
government began using the term 'conservative' to describe themselves.
(Barry Goldwater, in 1964, was the first major US politician to proclaim
himself a conservative.)  In general a conservative favored a free market
rather than a regulated one, states' rights over national supremacy, and
greater reliance on individual choice in economic affairs."
If something so ingrained in American politics as the terms "liberal" and
"conservative" can completely exchange meanings, is it possible that Bush
intended to convey a different meaning for "New World Order?"
(CS) Reagan then slashed domestic budgets and poured money into military
This was also accompanied by the constant threat of nuclear holocaust.  Many
argue that he ended the Cold War by outspending the Russians.  Do you think
the Russians would have "spent their economy into the ground" if our money
was spent on welfare?
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