I'm interested in doing some OS X maintenance but have the same problem with 
time. Still, I can help out a few hours a week to hopefully cut down on the 
number of OS X bugs. I've been doing a little OS X bug work and have a slight 
familiarity with the codebase so feel free to direct things my way (or I can 
continue to look through the posted OS X bugs).


Ari Johnson wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Dennis Schridde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Am Sonntag, 6. Juli 2008 20:34:47 schrieb Dennis Schridde:
>>> Hey!
>>> I would like to release 2.1 beta4 as soon as possible.
>> PS: This includes not waiting for any MacOS bugs.
>> Since it appears to me we do not have a maintainer for that anymore, there is
>> no sense in waiting for the bugs to be fixed by some magic.
>> Ari: If I am wrong with that maintainer assumption, please notify me.
> You're right.  I'm very busy and want to pass on the OS X maintenance
> to someone else, if anyone is interested.  The OS X bugs are probably
> very easy to fix since they have all been introduced as we've gone
> along adding new features and changing around the code - the game
> worked nearly perfectly in 2.0.x.  I just don't have time to hunt down
> all the regressions and fix them at this time.  I definitely want to
> see the game remain workable on OS X, though, so hopefully someone
> else can step in.  I'd be more than happy to help whoever does so get
> familiar with the code.
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