2009/3/20 bugs buggy <buginato...@gmail.com>:
> While this would be most welcomed, it is also the most difficult to do.
> Warzone isn't really mod friendly at all, and one small mistake and
> the game crashes, and the odds of finding out what caused it can be
> pretty long sometimes.

Echoed. While I fortunately haven't wasted tons of time in it yet,
debugging mods can be a very frustrating experience. The game's method
of objecting to mods generally involves force-closing itself with no
error message.

Common mistakes:

Not leaving a linebreak at the end of a file.
Not counting the number of prereqs, results, etc on research.txt correctly.
Not adding a corresponding entry to names.txt - some things, like
sensors, require an entry, while some things, like functions, don't.

And if you made a typo somewhere? You have to look through _every
single file_ you modified.

If it weren't for diff, I don't think Rebalance would have ever happened. :/


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