It has come up that some of the resolutions we currently use for trac
can seem to be a bit harsh in tone.

Mainly, the issue is, if a user has some kind of feature request, then
what should be done with it?

If we close it as invalid, that could be conscrewed as us telling them
to bugger off...
If we don't close it, then it clogs up the pipeline so to speak.

The same with other tickets that are more or less useless.

We tried to fix some problems with the "need info" resolution, and
that is what I mostly use, but, trac still says "Closed", which can
confuse some people.

Any ideas on how we can create a more friendlier trac?

There are some suggestions that we should add more resolutions, and
add more types.  We now have task, defect, and enhancement.

Should we have a  "feature request" (which would be something that has
no patches included), and would be closed with a resolution of "One of
these days..." or whatever we come up with?

Or do we just do what we have been doing?

Any thoughts on this?

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