
Am Samstag, 22. August 2009 00:29:03 schrieb bugs buggy:
> It has come up that some of the resolutions we currently use for trac
> can seem to be a bit harsh in tone.
> Mainly, the issue is, if a user has some kind of feature request, then
> what should be done with it?
> If we close it as invalid, that could be conscrewed as us telling them
> to bugger off...
> If we don't close it, then it clogs up the pipeline so to speak.
Trac has (had?) some powerful filtering possibilities. Maybe they could be of 
In earlier versions, the most powerful variant were direct SQL queries, which 
could be "saved" and made available to regular users. It was considered to 
implement an easier "report generator wizard", but I do not know whether they 
already implemented that in current versions.
If not, maybe that feature could be made available to commiters/developers?
It should then be able to filter based on type, state, tags, assignee, etc. in 
various ways.

I would not generally forbid users to submit feature requests. 
Bad/stupid/insane requests can be closed, and good and reasonable tickets can 
gather ideas/opinions until someone finds the time to do them.
Finaly, small requests can be implemented during lunchbreak, or whenever 
someone feels like doing just a little bit to push Warzone forward. (Also 
popular for "spare time" wz devs?)

> The same with other tickets that are more or less useless.
> We tried to fix some problems with the "need info" resolution, and
> that is what I mostly use, but, trac still says "Closed", which can
> confuse some people.
Ideally "needinfo" would start a countdown, which would "closed/needinfo" the 
ticket after X days. I would not be surprised if such a Trac plugin exists.

> Any ideas on how we can create a more friendlier trac?
> There are some suggestions that we should add more resolutions, and
> add more types.  We now have task, defect, and enhancement.
> Should we have a  "feature request" (which would be something that has
> no patches included), and would be closed with a resolution of "One of
> these days..." or whatever we come up with?
You could try working more with keywords/tags.
Remove the users ability to change them, and use it to track the state of the 
ticket. I.e. "needinfo" (like the resolution, just for not-yet-closed 
tickets), "needtesting", "needreview", ...
This is just an idea for an experiment. I have no experience yet with whether 
and how well it works.

About the additional resolution: You should use "later" instead. That is quite 
standard among most bugtrackers and usually means "not now, but we will 
reconsider it".


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