On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 06:29:03PM -0400, bugs buggy wrote:
> Mainly, the issue is, if a user has some kind of feature request, then
> what should be done with it?
> If we close it as invalid, that could be conscrewed as us telling them
> to bugger off...
> If we don't close it, then it clogs up the pipeline so to speak.
> The same with other tickets that are more or less useless.
> We tried to fix some problems with the "need info" resolution, and
> that is what I mostly use, but, trac still says "Closed", which can
> confuse some people.

Right now, we overload 'enhancement' to mean both patches and feature
requests.  Ideally, we want to be able to separate the bugs and
patches from feature requests which are often useless.

One way is simply to have a separate tracker for feature requests.
However, as cybersphinx points out in IRC, having everything in one
database has certain advantages.  If we had a separate 'feature
request' type, it would solve that problem.

Closing bugs that are in the 'need more info' state is misleading.
Need info is *not* a resolution but a pending state or status.

Can we create a Status of 'need more info' to go along with our
accepted, assigned, closed, new and reopened values?

Stephen Swaney                  

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