On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 3:16 am, Ryosuke Niwa <rn...@webkit.org> wrote:
I've gotta say I'm very much concerned about getting rid of change
logs when we move to Git. We put a lot of useful information about
what was causing the bug, how we fixed it, and why we fixed the way we
did in a change log. I've seen a few projects which transitioned to
Git and somehow lost the rigor in maintaining an equally high quality
commit message, partly because most code review tools don't let you
add inline comments to commit messages.

You may not be able to add inline comments on commit messages, but I've never been particularly concerned about that. You can still start a new discussion thread mentioning the problem with the commit message that you'd like to see resolved, blocking merge until the discussion thread is resolved. Although in GNOME we don't often have problems with low-quality commit messages, we do sometimes, and during review we treat that as we would any problem with the code. Having a set of guidelines for writing commit messages, like [1], might help. But yes, we do lose the ability to do inline comments during code review.

(Anyway, this is only a tangent, since of course we can switch to GitHub but still keep ChangeLog files if we decided to do that.)

[1] https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/CommitMessages

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