> Em 07/03/2014, às 21:46, Pascal Robert <prob...@macti.ca> escreveu:
>> Le 2014-03-07 à 19:21, Aaron Rosenzweig <aa...@chatnbike.com> a écrit :
>> Am I right or what? WO is an elite “gentleman’s club” There are those “in 
>> the circle” and those outside.
> For the record, I’m not the one who contacted a senior VP. 
>> If Mark wants to send a note of praise to someone, why not? Even if it is 
>> Tim Cook. Will anything bad come of that? It may fall on deaf ears but 
>> that’s ok.
> It’s just that every year, in the answers in the surveys, I still people 
> asking for something from Apple. Even if we said many times that Apple 
> management don’t give a damn.

>> Mark, I’m glad you love WO.
>> For those who may wonder, I’ll summarize what I believe Pascal is alluding 
>> to:
>> Even if WO sold very well, “well” would be a relative term. Compared to 
>> their other product lines, a good line of sales related to WO would mean 
>> nothing compared to Apple’s other product lines. How many developers are 
>> there in the world? Compare that to consumers. 
>> Apple does not need to make other programmer’s lives easier on the server. 
>> It would be nice but there is no need (for Apple). 
>> If Apple were to open source WO, it may mean they have less of an ace up 
>> their sleeve in negotiations with other companies when legal issues crop up. 
>> “You want to sue me for this? then I’ll sue you for your use of 
>> Key-Value-Coding so why don’t we just not sue each other ok?” Open sourcing 
>> WO could weaken Apple’s stance in legal battles for no monetary gain. 
>> The ONLY way to open source WO would be to buy it from Apple… but even then… 
>> it would have to be a lot of money to make it worth the legal trouble of 
>> figuring out if that is a good financial deal for Apple.
> And since a major group (iTunes) use it, not going to happen. But we could 
> open source it, by rewriting it and by replacing some stuff by alternatives.
Yes, I strongly agree with Pascal, it's the only(and good) option for future. 
>> I can think of a few cases where Apple technology was freed up to the world 
>> but in both of those cases they had strong supporters on the inside to make 
>> it happen:
>> 1. Apple released it’s Smalltalk and core team to Walt Disney and Disney let 
>> it be open source:
>> http://ftp.squeak.org/docs/OOPSLA.Squeak.html
>> 2. Apple Newton’s “Dylan” language was released and became a commercial 
>> product for a while:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Dylan_programming_language
> Both happened in the 90s.
>> AARON ROSENZWEIG / Chat 'n Bike
>> e:  aa...@chatnbike.com  t:  (301) 956-2319        
>>> On Mar 7, 2014, at 6:04 PM, Pascal Robert <prob...@macti.ca> wrote:
>>> Please please please... Someone went as far as asking for support by 
>>> talking to an Apple Senior VP, and the answer was: NO! Stop thinking that 
>>> Apple will help us after 5 years without any help from Apple. They even 
>>> stopped contributing to Wonder 3 years ago.
>>> Envoyé de mon iPhone
>>>> Le 2014-03-07 à 17:59, Mark Wardle <m...@wardle.org> a écrit :
>>>> Hi all. 
>>>> It is sad to hear the despondency permeating through the email list today.
>>>> I think many of us have achieved so much with this technology stack, 
>>>> solutions that would be much more difficult with other technologies. 
>>>> I think Apple is missing a trick here. Perhaps I am naive but isn’t their 
>>>> focus on vertical integration? WebObjects is and could be the server side 
>>>> answer for iOS in the enterprise. For me, we’re just about to deploy our 
>>>> first iOS apps running on iPads in our outpatient clinics, linking to our 
>>>> WebObjects applications handling all of the complex business logic that we 
>>>> need in healthcare. We’ve achieved this on a shoestring and it’s due to 
>>>> the great design - seen in WebObjects and of course, by logical extension 
>>>> in the related frameworks inherited from NeXT in modern Apple operating 
>>>> systems.
>>>> Personally, I want Apple stuff in the enterprise - in my enterprise - in 
>>>> my outpatient clinic. I think it would make a tremendous difference to how 
>>>> we provide healthcare. WebObjects is such a good fit for iOS devices I 
>>>> just cannot believe that Apple does not want to support such a great and 
>>>> productive technology.
>>>> Whatever the case, my WebObjects applications are still running and we are 
>>>> getting more and more users here in this part of the UK! It is just a 
>>>> shame Apple seems to have given up on it.
>>>> I’ve copied in Tim Cook to this. At the back of my mind, I’m hoping he’ll 
>>>> take an interest, realise overnight what a great technology this is and 
>>>> how it can be a great product for both large and small enterprises, can 
>>>> form part of a great technology stack and support iOS, and as such, 
>>>> re-incarnate WebObjects - the technology we love! Mr Cook - could Apple 
>>>> un-deprecate this technology please? It is really rather good!
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Mark
>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr. Mark Wardle
>>>> Consultant Neurologist, University Hospital Wales, Cardiff, UK
>>>> Email: mark.war...@wales.nhs.uk or m...@wardle.org  Twitter: @mwardle
>>>> Telephone: 02920745274 (secretary) or facsimile: 02920744166
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