Hi all: 

Agreed, David 

Thank you very uch for pointing us to the URL 


BTW: It's not our mission to discourage users ( netters) to --ehem --
use a modern browser featured in  her/his personal device for personal
purposes ( as it is the exercise to access internal HTML files, linked
internally or externally either to JSON data, text data --uh that old
CDROMs -- or another linked HTML files -- CSS and jS comes to mind here
-- ). 

This discouragement,  seems quite the opposite as what is defined in the

"_For now, unfortunate as it is, file and ftp URLs [6]__ are left as an
exercise for the reader._" 

Just mumbling. Cheers.


Delfi Ramirez -- At Work

My digital signature [1]

0034 633 589231
 del...@segonquart.net [2] 

twitter: @delfinramirez [3]
 IRC: segonquart
 Skype: segonquart [4]



On 2017-04-14 18:58, David Kendal wrote:

> On 11 Apr 2017, at 19:50, Patrick Dark 
> <whatwg.at.whatwg....@patrick.dark.name> wrote:
>> The "world wide web" is the user-facing portion of the Internet. Files
>> on a CD or USB drive are not part of that.
> You are continuing to dodge this problem by redefining the WHAT WG's
> responsibilities. Please don't do that.
> If you can't take my word for it, how about the inventor of the
> web itself? <https://gitter.im/solid/chat?at=58ed246d408f90be66aeeb30>
> (Thanks to a correspondent, who I presume prefers to remain unnamed,
> for sending this to me off-list.)
> As the divinely-appointed guardians of the HTML spec, the responsibility
> of the WHAT WG is to ensure that HTML is a useful platform for documents
> and applications wherever HTML files can be opened from, whether that's
> HTTP(S), FTP, or local files. Where 'the web' starts and stops in this
> spectrum of possible protocols is of no import.
> On that note I also see that the Fetch API has stubbed out the
> specification of file: and ftp: URL semantics for definition in the
> future at <https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#basic-fetch>.
> -- 
> dpk (David P. Kendal) · Nassauische Str. 36, 10717 DE · http://dpk.io/
> In politics, obedience and support are the same thing.
> -- Hannah Arendt

[1] http://delfiramirez.info/public/dr_public_key.asc
[2] mail:%20del...@segonquart.net
[3] https://twitter.com/delfinramirez
[4] skype:segonquart
[5] http://delfiramirez.info
[6] https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url

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