Jimmy, if this is genuinely how you are comfortable behaving, intentionally,
and if this is the standard that you wish to set, I would ask you to do it
in a new community. Resign from the Board. Abrogate your status as a founder.
Go create these standards somewhere new, with people who have signed up for

*Unfortunately, I'm going to have to second this pretty loudly.

Kevin Gorman

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 5:48 PM, David Emrany <david.emr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oliver
> I have also been in the movement for over a decade, and I am sick of
> people on all sides distorting facts, gaming the system / manipulating
> the community.
> IMO, this came to a boil  in Dec 2006 when WMF altered its structure
> and purpose and relocated followed by the "COO scandal" [1] and other
> things.
> I'm glad that community people are now revisiting those early days and
> trying to figger out how it all happened so secretly and without a
> whimper from the community reps on the BoT  who we entrusted to
> protect our stake in our work,and who let us down very badly.
> David
> [1] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/12/13/wikimedia_coo_convicted_felon/
> On 3/10/16, Oliver Keyes <ironho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've been in the Wikimedia movement for over a decade now. I've seen
> > Wikimedia-l. I've seen internal-l. I've had death and sexual assault
> > threats show up in my inbox. And this, /this/, is genuinely the most
> > horrified I've ever been by any message I've seen yet.
> >
> > This email is not a good faith email. it is not, despite the
> > neutrality of its language, a civil email. It's the kind of blinkered,
> > detached, ultrarationalist gaslighting[0] I associate with people in
> > LessWrong.[1]
> >
> > No assumption of good faith. No discussion of the issues. No admission
> > that different people can legitimately and normally interpret things
> > in different ways. The framing of things so that the options are that
> > James is a liar, stupid, or suffering from PTSD. Whether deliberately
> > or not, it is deeply manipulative and frames the entire discussion
> > with assertions that James is disconnected from reality.
> >
> > Jimmy, if this is genuinely how you are comfortable behaving,
> > intentionally, and if
> > this is the standard that you wish to set, I would ask you to do it in
> > a new community. Resign from the Board. Abrogate your status as a
> > founder. Go create these standards somewhere new, with people who have
> > signed up for them.
> >
> > And if you instead don't understand why this
> > sort of message is chilling and terrifying and incredibly problematic,
> > you need to step back from all of these discussions for a time and go
> > find someone who wants to explain it to you. Because this is not
> > productive, and this is not how leaders behave. I appreciate you think
> > you *have* to participate as some kind of movement moral compass, but,
> > you aren't, and you don't. And even if you did, the morality
> > demonstrated by that email is, I suspect, not something any of us want
> > a part of.
> >
> > [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting
> > [1] for other examples of this kind of language, and the thing my
> > brain immediately jumped to, see how ultrarationalists deal with
> > people asking if individuals could please stop harassing them for
> > disagreeing with an idea
> > http://lesswrong.com/lw/lb3/breaking_the_vicious_cycle/bnrr
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 7:56 PM, Pete Forsyth <petefors...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Below is a message Jimmy Wales sent to James Heilman and myself on Feb.
> >> 29.
> >> I mentioned the existence of this message on the list on March 2:
> >>
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2016-March/082901.html
> >>
> >> I feel this message can provide important insight into the dynamics
> >> surrounding James H.'s dismissal, and various people have expressed
> >> interest in seeing it, so I'm forwarding it to the list. (For what it's
> >> worth, I did check with James H.; he had no objection to my sharing it.)
> >>
> >> For context, as I understand it, Jimmy's message was more or less in
> >> response to this list message of mine:
> >>
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2016-February/082764.html
> >>
> >> -Pete
> >> [[User:Peteforsyth]]
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >>
> >> *From: *Jimmy Wales
> >>
> >> *Date: *February 29, 2016 6:21:46 AM
> >>
> >> *To: *Pete Forsyth,James Heilman
> >>
> >> *Subject: **A conversation?*
> >>
> >>
> >> James, I wonder if you'd be up for a one on one conversation. I've been
> >> struck in a positive way by some of the things that Pete has said and I
> >> realize that moving things forward on wikimedia-l, being sniped at by
> >> people who are as interested in creating drama as anything else, isn't
> >> really conducive to reaching more understanding.
> >>
> >> I have some questions for you - real, sincere, and puzzled questions.
> >> Some of the things that you have said strike me as very obviously out of
> >> line with the facts. And I wonder how to reconcile that.
> >>
> >> One hypothesis is that you're just a liar. I have a hard time with that
> >> one.
> >>
> >> Another hypothesis is that you have a poor memory or low emotional
> >> intelligence or something like that - you seem to say things that just
> >> don't make sense and which attempt to lead people to conclusions that
> >> are clearly not true.
> >>
> >> Another hypothesis is that the emotional trauma of all this has colored
> >> your perceptions on certain details.
> >>
> >> As an example, and I'm not going to dig up the exact quotes, you said
> >> publicly that you wrote to me in October that we were building a
> >> Google-competing search engine and that I more or less said that I'm
> >> fine with it. Go back and read our exchange. There's just now way to
> >> get that from what I said - Indeed, I specifically said that we are NOT
> >> building a Google-competing search engine, and explained the much lower
> >> and much less complex ambition of improving search and discovery.
> >>
> >> As another example, you published a timeline starting with Wikia Search.
> >> It's really hard for me to interpret that in any other way than to try
> >> to lead people down the path of the conspiracy theorists that I had a
> >> pet project to compete with Google which led to a secret project to
> >> biuld a search engine, etc. etc. You know as well as I do that's a
> >> false narrative, so it's very hard for me to charitably interpret that.
> >>
> >> Anyway these are the kinds of things that I struggle with.
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