On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Gnangarra <gnanga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/12/11 Liam Wyatt <liamwy...@gmail.com>
>> One disadvantage of this would be that one of the promoted benefits of
>> membership (being able to edit the wiki) is no longer exclusive.
> Seriously is this a benefit,
> whats the wiki for
> why would anyone join up just to edit the wiki

No one will ever join the chapter to get editing rights. The connection of
editing rights granted to members and motivation for membership is a step
too far and illogical. I don't think anyone really believes that editing
rights is a motivation for joining, but it is a right granted to members.
Most, possibly all, people join the chapter because they want to support it
and that's it.

However, I don't support opening editing for the reasons that were raised by
several people when this was last discussed a few months ago. We have in the
past granted editing rights to people for special reasons (as Andrew
referred to, we gave GLAM partners access for organising and working on
GLAM) but in general I support editing remaining as a membership right.

>  though that Wikimedia is built on a philopsy of anyone can edit, surely
> promoting that philopsy is the aim of the chapter. Wouldnt it be wise for
> Wikimedia-Australia to hold that as corner stone of its purpose. Does anyone
> think that the goals and ideals "which we hold dear" should not be what we
> present in our public place.

I think this is flawed logic too. The Wikimedia Foundation's own website is
invitation only, as is the internal wiki, the Chapter's wiki, the OTRS wiki,
the ArbCom wiki, etc. All for different reasons, but the idea that we should
open editing to anyone because Wikipedia is built on a philosphy of open
editing is a wonky rationale IMO. We aren't Wikipedia and we're not
obligated to run the chapter in the same way Wikipedia runs. The main reason
I don't support opening editing up is that we lack an online community to
deal with the problematic edits and vandalism etc that we'll inevitably have
to deal with. It's the public face of the chapter and the pages need to be
maintained accurately, the membership pages, minutes and resolutions need to
have integrity.

> The chapter Wiki as a way of facilitating discussion within the Australian
> community is a good starting point, let it be a host for members to write
> about their wiki experiences, to seek help in opening doors to the GLAM
> sector, let it be somewhere for non wiki people to seek assistance in
> opening their doors and making what they have collected freely available to
> all.

I also disagree with this. The chapter's wiki is a special purpose wiki, its
official website and public face, it's not a free all-purpose hosting venue.

> By all means place restrictions on what non-members can do but remember
> Wikimedia-au is judged by what its does and dont expect others to do what
> Wikimedia-au isnt willing to do itself.
> Wikimedia-au long term future rests on whether it can grow its membership
> over the next year, to do that its needs to be "of value" it needs to be
> doing things to create that value, importantly it needs to be seen to be
> doing them. People arent going to be productive in the group if there is
> nothing for them to productive with, they arent going continue with a group
> if they dont have a voice in that group,  and they definitely wont join a
> group if they cant first experience the group and meet some of the people
> already there.
> Gnangarra
> http://gnangarra.redbubble.com/
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