I think the NITT event is more infamous than famous. : ) [Whatever the case
be, I'm still at the receiving end of 17 odd people and have been nicknamed
the Master of Disaster].
I'd not like to talk about my stay and trip.
Simply speaking, Saagar, was helpful, he arranged as per what I told him. I
saw the guest house rooms that were meant to be for us, Me in particular,
and I'm thankful that I was in the Garnet hostel at NITT. I went to Trichy
as a volunteer, because Wikipedia is something I like. Editing, uploading,
doing all this [considered crazy or time wasting by my friends], is
something I enjoy, and am deeply passionate about. This was the sole reason
I went to Trichy, [at my expense, There is some ambiguity, there too, I was
told that the Chapter would reminburse my travel amount, later was told
that since I'm not a member, it wouldn't be possible, whatever be the case,
I don't care, I still had fun].
Entirely agreed,
the Indian community on En is more welcoming towards New users. I was
'requested' not to edit the Hindi wikipedia because my Mother tongue is
you are a very respected senior member of the community. I've personally
looked up to you as a guru of sorts ever since we met at Tinu's House
[WP:MBL3/05-07-2009]. It is however, unfair of you tto say this:
*Let me ask you a basic question. Are you with wikimedia movement for
helping it or for screwing it up. I was going through the replies and your
wiki contributions over the past few months. What is your intention in
being with Wikimedia movement in India.*
As an editor on En.wikipedia, I feel this statement is wrong, Anirudh is a
very very dignified editor. His level of English is something which so many
of us look up to. One must also not forget that he is a founding member of
the Chapter. We all know the amount of hard work, effort and toiling that
went into the Chapters formation and founding.

Do remember people, what WE do is important. Not who does what. Wikipedia
isn't about getting credit, but contributing. As Anirudh [again] told me
once, editing Wikipedia is considered Social Service by many of us.

Regarding the WMF India team, I personally feel that there is a
disconnect/distance between them and us, the community.
Subha and I have been in touch, as we've been friends for close to a year,
and hence we're edit buddies to a certain level.
Shiju, I have been out of touch for a while, but earlier, I used to be in
connect with him. He's helped me out in many of my Translation sprees, and
I hope he can help me out soon.
Nitika, and I have been regularly in touch since December. She has provided
me with support in various methods, for our Coimbatore meetups, my QR Pedia
ideas, the NITT issue and much much more. I sincerely hope that she
continues to help the community out.
Hisham, I have been unable to reach out to you, thru the list, email,
phone, Facebook, Wikipedia, whatever be the medium. I believe you should be
more accessible to EVERYONE [including irritating kids like me], and should
be more active onWiki.

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