Hmmm...that maybe true but what else can we do, I mean, Inkfruit has to be
involved somewhere in this right? Think about it, if you were an ad
injecting virus, why would you randomly inject ads that too of inkfruit?
For people who face these ads, are the ads appearing only on wikipedia or
other websites also? If I am not wrong, if this is the work of a malware,
it would display the ad on each and every website you visit and not just
specifically Wikipedia. If its only Wikipedia and the ad is only Inkfruit,
I'd really say, if nothing can be done via code, legal needs to be
involved. If its a non-specific malware, just clean your systems, I guess
and inform others.

Rather, I'd say, instead of not going public with this, if it gets too
frequent, go public. Display a banner on top of Wiki stating that if you
see ads on Wikipedia that is not at all related to Wiki, rather you should
check your system for malware. The point is people should not assume, that
Wikipedia has started ads.

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Anirudh Bhati <> wrote:

> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Debanjan Bandyopadhyay <
>> wrote:
>> Ok then can we not make the default version the https one like say google
>> does.
> This will not be a permanent solution, I'm afraid.
> anirudh
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