I've got this mail six times in bcc.
Please look into it.
Any more mails of this nature will go into my trash bin.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "IAC techs" <iac.te...@gmail.com>
Date: 05-Nov-2014 10:50 pm
Subject: Grossly Obscene pornographic images on WIKIMEDIA.IN
To: <yogesh_khan...@yahoo.com>, <nethahuss...@gmail.com>

REBLOGGED BY iacte...@gmail.com on behalf of India Against
Corruption's members who are users / editors of Wikipedia community

This is a protest circulated against the strange decision by Anivar
Aravind to hastily close the Q&A session for candidates after IAC
poses uncomfortable queries from the "community"

To: nethahuss...@gmail.com,  and other candidates and WMIN members.

We notice that you are a member of the WIKIMEDIA.IN website and
actively promoting LGBT issues there including for your election

We suppose you know that at the present time "carnal intercourse
against the order of nature" is against India's laws, and distributing
grossly obscene / pornographic images of it via WIKIMEDIA.IN is a
serious criminal offence which IAC has reported to the concerned
agencies and is seriously prosecuting. IAC is also monitoring
WIKIMEDIA.IN to assist law enforcement agencies.

This email is being sent to you as the illegally appointed returning
officer Anivar Aravind has deleted IAC's query for all candidates for
the WMIN EC vacancies (which was publicly posted to WIKIMEDIA.IN by
one of IAC's volunteers as a member of the "community").



PS: And another editor was banned from WIKIMEDIA.IN for asking queries
on racism and discrimination against Indians at WIKIPEDIA, again by
Anivar who also refuses to publish the non-existent Karnataka Society
Rule 1961 to prevent community members posing queries (which actual
official rules can be accessed here)


from which it is abundantly clear that you are ineligible to contest
elections and Anivar cannot conduct it.
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