2009/4/27 Dahsun <dah...@yahoo.com>:
> In reply to Andrew's comment as to wheher charitable status was a "worthwhile 
> investment of their time and energy"
> Of course we are all volunteers, and this may sound rich coming from someone 
> who chose a barbecue in London over the AGM. But there are several reasons 
> why we want charitable status, the tax advantage of being able to reclaim 
> income tax on donations is considerable and IMHO justifies the hassle of 
> Wikimedia having a formal UK operation.
> But there's also a lot of extra credibility that you get from being a 
> registered charity - many doors are open to a registered charity that would 
> otherwise be closed.
> So I would hope that the new board would make the attaining of charitable 
> status one of their top objectives.

I agree. Even if it doesn't reduce our donations (which seems
extremely unlikely - people don't generally donate to non-charities)
then we still lose a significant amount of gift aid. Other
organisations are also going to be far more likely to partner with a
charity than a non-charity.

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