Thanks Amir and MZMcBride for disclosing the action.

A volunteer has been punished for speaking up in defense of fellow volunteer and paid contributors, whose contribution was being sidelined and suffocated by people "in charge" of the specific space, i.e. the people they were doing their best to help.

The message which was sanctioned was even of an especially thoughtful kind, in my opinion, because it didn't attempt to submerge the other users with walls of text, politically correct tirades or otherwise charged statements. It was merely a heartfelt interjection to help people stop, reconsider their actions and self-improve without the need of lectures. Was this peculiar effort at constructive facilitation considered? If not, what alternatives or constructive suggestions were provided?

After several negative examples discussed in the last few months on this list,* this action conclusively proves in my eyes the failure of the Code of conduct to be a positive force for our community, at least sso far and in the present conditions.

The committee needs to immediately resign or be disbanded, and be reformed on a more solid basis.


(*) And not a single disclosed positive action, as far as I know. But it might have been lost due to the lack of a transparency report. If one was released or is upcoming, sorry; I'll revise my conclusions accordingly.

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