Keep an eye here.,16213716~mode=flat

Should be a final post before order.  I'll try to post here as well.

Cliff Leboeuf wrote:

I recently purchased one of these...
On its maiden trip, the technician cracked the LCD screen...:(

I sent to Germany for repair and it is currently 'stuck' in customs where
they are trying to assess import duties on the unit for repair!

I really never got the chance to evaluate, but may be interested in a group
order also.

Please keep me in the loop as to the cost and when/where we should place our

It may actually be cheaper for me to just purchase a replacement instead of
paying for the repair.

BTW - has anyone else used one of these that can provide a recommendation on

- Cliff

On 6/15/06 10:31 AM, "Brian Rohrbacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Been there, done that.  It was one of my reasons for posting here.  To
get feedback and maybe spark interest for a couple more buyers.  4 more
are needed to get 25% off.


Patrick Shoemaker wrote:

There is a group purchase for these going on over at the Broadband
Reports WISP forum.,16213716~mode=flat

I will be purchasing one to try it out.  I figure for about $1000 it
ought to be worth it, especially for WISP use.  I expect some clumsy
features and inconveniences, but I'm willing to live with that for the
price.  With the group purchase we will save a couple hundred bucks.
If you're interested, get in touch with John (binary1000) quickly as
he will be placing orders soon.


Brian Rohrbacher wrote:

I am looking at the Spectran HF-4080. looks like a nice little handheld

Spectrum Analyzer for the price.    (look
bottom left)

With the extra ram for plotting, it is about $1000 US.

Is it as good piece of hardware for the price?


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