Tom DeReggi wrote:

Trango repeated its WISP summit at ISPCON again this year as well.
The purpose was to ask WISPs what they need in next generation products, and disclose upcomming products. It was also exciting to learn more about their next generation WIMax product. The advantage of that platform, is its early enough in the development process that there is still time for Trango to add features that WISPs requested, to make it a better solution. A lot of neet ideas were pitched, hopefully Trango will implement some of them, to compliment their offering. Trango's approach is to take WiMax chipset, with the option to run a standard WiMax MAC, but shipped default with Trango's modified Firmware to fit nicely in line with existing Trango gear firmware features and tools. This would also have the side effect of giving WiMax features at Lower prices than WIMax competitors, and more unique differenciators than competitors by not being limited to standards.

I thought one main advantage of WiMax was the standards. By not following standards the customers ARE limited. Everyone knows that every install is different. I thought with WiMax we might actually get to pick the right gear for each job. Can't do that without standards. They only want to keep you locked in. I hate being locked into one thing. You can never use better gear when it comes out because you are locked into old crap.

My perception, is that the 10mbps solution would continue as the low cost options, but the WIMax line would be the high end product delivering higher capacity / Higher feature gear, that would be priced somewhere between 5830 and Fox lines. My understanding is that Live versions were displayed at Wimax World. Its not appropriate to discuss exact features yet, for obvious competitive reasons of a not yet released product. It could be a real exciting product, and something worth keeping an eye on as it develops. Unfortuneately though, this is not an option for us today, as the product has not yet been released, and probably won't for about 6 month. (Disclaimer: not an authorized time prediction listed)

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

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