Now for the next phase that should happen.

EL should come to WISPA and work a deal with wisps nationwide. WE provide access to them on OUR networks. Then EL stops loosing dialup customers in Ephrata and Moses Lake. But no need to spend the 2 million :-)

Hmmm, maybe I'm still ahead of the game after all?  grin

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ralph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'WISPA General List'" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Muni networks, the good, bad and ugly

Yep- you are correct, sir- I have it from a very reliable source.

* EL locates on City (or whatever utility it is) poles.
* They pledge that they will allow other ISPs to wheel their service over
the network (many spare SSIDs are available)
* They foot the bill for the install (I'd say 2 million for a small city-
just estimating)
* They use gear that meshes and has intelligence so that it can optimize and
work around interference and congestion.
* They co-produce with the city an event for the "unveiling" or "wire
cutting" and invite residents and businesses to sign up and give it a free
* Dialup customers (hopefully) migrate to the new broadband network. Some
mobile users will use the network for whatever it is that mobile users do.
*   Police, Fire, Building Inspections, etc  use the free accounts (if any
were negotiated) and maybe additional accounts are purchased.
* POSSIBLY Google or someone else rides the network subsidizing a free tier
of service (300 kb/s in San Francisco)
* And (if the recent posting about Vonage is correct)- EL allows other
carriers to provide service via EL's infrastructure for a set fee.
These carriers could be AOL, DirecTV internet, Odessa Office, OneRing or
even "Joes Best Little Internet Provider In Texas".

It looks like it could be a win-win situation and a resource for EL, the
City, the residents and local businesses, AND the ISPs who choose to use
access to it as a means to enter the market in that town. Imagine Marlon
being able to branch out into San Francisco, New Orleans, Philadelphia,
Anaheim and any other markets available just by inking a deal with EL.

I think Municipal WiFi's definition is evolving. It doesn't have to be
*owned or funded* by a municipality, it just has to cover the municipality.

So far, I think Marlon's described network may fit the description, assuming
it has adequate on-street coverage.
Notice I have said "on-street", not in-building. Getting it into the
building is another project, and there are at least 2 ways to do that.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 5:39 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Muni networks, the good, bad and ugly


I learned today that I already have a few municipal networks myself!  Much
like the Earthlink/SanFran network will be.

Privately funded, open to competitors, uses city facilites, city gets free
services, covers 100% of the community.  Hmmm, sounds like what I've been
doing here for half a decade now!

Ralph, stick up for me here....  grin

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