Matt Liotta wrote:

You are suggesting that there is a situation where there is a problem so important or complicated that only you can fix it yet you want to be able to fix it remotely via a cell phone at a baseball game.


I refuse to tether myself to my job. I've done that over the last few years, and I'm not doing it any longer. I do accept, though, that there are some things that, out of the eight or so employees working under my boss, I'm the only one who knows them. The ability to fix things remotely is essential to our business and to my sanity. (Fun fact: I value the second of those much more highly than the first.) As much as I'd love to be completely incommunicado for a few days here and there, it's not practical; I believe this has the potential to be a viable substitute.

You have convinced yourself of what you need and can't see anything that could compare. The problem with your straw man is that no such device exists.

You claim it doesn't exist; I'm still in a blissful state of doubt and confusion. Hence my original question about what handhelds will work with SSH the way I need 'em to. :)

Yes, I have a Motorola Q with EVDO that is a very effective device. The device works great for phone calls, messaging, and simple web-based tasks.

Geez, where do you live? Sounds like the data service is even worse than here, and that's pretty hard to come by. :P

My copy of Opera Mini on a two-year-old Sprint phone that I picked up used on eBay for a hundred bucks works better than yours, at least from your description.

I'd rather shoot myself than try and use SSH from it.

Is this a statement of "I've used SSH and found it wanting," or "I haven't done this but I don't think it'd work"?

To be clear, I'm open to suggestions. I'm just very very picky about my requirements. ;)

David Smith
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