I object to this. Here is an example of what I have done regarding my
interactions with the FCC in the last year:

I was on a conference call with several ranking members of the FCC about a
year ago. One of the people on the call was the head of enforcement in DC. I
had recently purchased a pair of Alvarion backhaul radios and used my
existing (already installed and aimed) Gabriel parabolics from my previous
EX-1 link as opposed to the flat panels that they came with. I was getting
fed up with their whole certified system crap. I asked the enforcement guy
to tell me if I had broken the law. I was very frank and nearly yelling at
the guy. I asked him to wear my shoes for one time and told him the scenario
and asked him what he would do in my shoes. He promptly told me that there
is no reason to ever break the law. (He never answered the question because
he did not know if I had broken the law or not. None of them in DC knew the
answer which was my point)  I told him, in front of many in this association
and on the phone at FCC headquarters to come and arrest me and to be sure
and arrest the 3000 other people who had done the same thing between DC and
Illinois on the way to get me. If that is not taking a stand and showing
some balls then kiss my rear quarters. I took a stand with enforcement in DC
for you. So get off my ass. By the way, I'll take my week's removal from
this week for cussing if that was too much. I have had it with Mr.
Conspiracy always slamming us here. So Muddy, when is the last time you told
a federal official to come and get you in regard to standing up or our

On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 5:26 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is what I don't get.
> I reminded the OP that several ranking members of WISPA have declared
> "objecting to mandates" as "politics".
> And, unless I have missed something, WISPA has NEVER officially objected to
> a single thing the FCC has wanted or gotten or demanded, and if someone
> suggests they should, immediately, all the long term list members and board
> members and committee members start hollering "Stop being political".
> Yet,
> they suggest that our "going along with nicely and with a smile" will buy
> us
> some future favor - the essence of DIRTY POLITICS.
> And, over the years, WISPA has officially endorsed and approved of all
> kinds
> of stuff we should have fought tooth and nail.  Why?   I don't know.  I
> can't understand it.    We're not on record objecting to anything, but many
> of those things have the capability of putting most or all of us out of
> business, especially if future personell in DC, who know nothing of
> representations or negotiations or discussions made historically decide to
> re-interpret stuff we've already endorsed in the past tense, which
> basically
> has taken away any legitemate ability TO object credibly in the future.
> Yet, here we are, after all the time I've been repeating till I"m blue in
> the face that we need to fight for our survival, and you can easily see
> that
> minor opinion changes in DC could ultimately send us to flipping burgers at
> McDonald's.   Yet, everyone's blithely going along with the "stop playing
> politics, it's not nice and will embarrass the wannabe future  politicians
> running WISPA" nonsense.
> And now you want to label me "Anarchist"?   For what purpose?
> Just because I have the math skills of at least a second grader and can
> tell
> that work done for free for the government is bad for my business?  Or that
> I have 20 years experience in small business and loads of experience in how
> mandates and regulation can be idiotically costly and yet accomplish
> minimal
> or no benefit because beaurocracies are horribly incompetent at getting
> stuff done?   That doesn't require me to be "political".   All it requires
> is that I have an IQ above 60 and the ability to recognize reality.
> And you find this so threatening, you have to get personal and attempt
> character denigration by callign me "anarchist".  What would objecting to
> these things cost YOU?   If you're going to claim these things dont'
> benefit
> you, then it must be that you believe in them, and that makes YOU THE
> POLITICAL person, not me.   There are political ideologies that believe in
> public control over private business and services.   If that's your
> motivation, then just come out and admit it.
> By golly, it's about time YOU and all the other people who're whining and
> moaning start telling the rest us of just what is in this for you?  What
> benefits did you acrue from the CALEA mandates?   Reporting mandates?   Net
> Neutrality mandates?   You hoping for quid pro quo future benefits from the
> FCC?  ( I gotta bunch of tropical beach front property in Montana to sell
> you, then )  You hoping for MONEY, in the form of grants or loans or some
> other taxpayer funding?  What is it?
> Frankly, I don't want any mandates.   I kinda hope that Qwest and Comcast
> get some stupid notion and tick off their customers left and right.  If
> they
> do, hurrah for us!
> NO mandate of any kind is going to come without cost.   And cost is the ONE
> thing we cannot bear.   The competition is the big guys, cost and service
> differences are THE thing that separate us from them.   The more mandates,
> regulations, controls, and restrictions on services there are, the fewer
> our
> competitive advantages will be.
> Anarchist?   hell no.  This is just plain old fashioned bottom of the
> spreadsheet common sense.
> Now, what the hell is motivating YOU?
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> <insert witty tagline here>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuck McCown - 3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 5:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Report: FCC to Punish Comcast Over Web Blocking
> > Hyperbole is not helpful to discourse.
> > If you want no FCC go to some other country.
> > Are you really the anarchist you come across as?
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> > Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 5:06 PM
> > Subject: Re: [WISPA] Report: FCC to Punish Comcast Over Web Blocking
> >
> >
> >>
> >> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >> <insert witty tagline here>
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Frank Muto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> >> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 9:31 AM
> >> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Report: FCC to Punish Comcast Over Web Blocking
> >>
> >>
> >>> Does the FCC have jurisdiction over all the bit-content passing on the
> >>> Internet network or control of a providers management
> >>> of network resources?
> >>
> >> Didn't you know the FCC was holy, and that objecting to anything they
> >> want
> >> is "political" and must be never spoken of here?
> >>
> >> /extreme sarcasm
> >>
> >> We, as an industry, should have been screaming at the top of our lungs,
> >> writing objections to EVERYTHING the FCC has tried to demand from us or
> >> take
> >> from us from the day WISPA was a legal entity, till now.   And I mean
> >> EVERY
> >> mandate of any kind.
> >>
> >> But no, that's playing "politics".
> >>
> >> When they issue decrees that turn your balance sheet negative and
> >> bankrupt
> >> you, will it still be "political" to object?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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