I can't speak for everybody, but as the person responsible for designing and
creating websites whose sole purpose is to bring new business into the
company; my main focus is the majority that comes to our sites.  The
overwhelming majority (about 70%) of visitors use MSIE 5/6.  If I have to
limit myself to certain practices or markup to ensure that those people
don't get a "unstyled or lightly styled" page, then darn right I'm going to.
I'm not going to be the one trying to explain to our owner why somebody is
on the phone having problems accessing a part of the site, or trying to
explain if we get an email saying our sites are horrible.  That person could
be an architect wanting to specify our products to the tune of multiple
millions on a project.  So yes, in the pursuit of filthy lucre, I'm going to
cater to the majority, and the majority is IE.  In answer to the question in
your subject, "Why style to IE?" my answer is: because that's who visits our
sites (by our I mean the company I work for).

Collin Davis
Web Architect
Stromberg Architectural Products
p     903.454.0904
f     903.454.3642

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