Web Man:

It is one of lifes great mysteries (i.e. that is secret to Google), at what
point the value of H1 is diminished through (over) use. You are doing the
right thing by placing emphasis on the rugby world cup aspect.

The only time I expect to maybe see a clients name in an H1, is if is
somebody who is taking on the traditionally expensive job of building a
brand and expecting most searches on that.  Of course there is Viral
marketing and your not doing too bad a job on that front at the moment :0)


- Rob

Raising web standards  : http://ele.vation.co.uk
Linking in with others    : http://linkedin.com/in/robkirton

On 27/06/07, Web Man Walking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Some great stuff, thanks to all.

>Are Ed's clients' customers more likely to search on 'Glory Days' or
>'Rugby World Cup 2007 Packages'?

Definitely the latter.  They want clients who want to go to the Rugby
Cup 2007.  I presume they are not too bothered who their supplier is
;-)  Of
course keeping the "branding" on each page is also important.  I know
multiple <h1>'s are frowned upon but what about something like:

<h1 id="company">Glory Days</h1>
<h2 id="tagline">tickets, accommodation & travel packages for major events
throughout the uk, europe and worldwide</h2>

<div id="content">
        <h1>Rugby World Cup 2007 Packages</h1>

Would I penalised for something like this?


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