> Of course, if there was a tag for 'foreign language word' then the best
> choice (for the example above) would be to use that -- but there isn't.
> Perhaps the most semantic solution in the above example would be to wrap
> the word in a span with a class assigned, like so:
> <p> We say "yes", but the French say <span class="foreignWord">"Oui"</
> span></p>
> CSS:
> .foreignWord {font-style: italic;}

Thanks Rick,

Not trying to beat a dead horse here, but two things.

I am not sure why the added code of a span with a class is MORE
semantic than <i> in your example, but I may still be thinking about
it from a visual standpoint...

Also, can you - or anyone else - give me an example of a semantic use
of <em>? Emphasized text as opposed to italicized? Around here, bold
text is emphasized text, if you know what I mean. :-P

Thanks for the discussion people!


Tom Livingston | Senior Interactive Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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