Thierry Koblentz wrote:

> No, what I'm saying is that we should write semantic markup and hope that SR
> manufacturers fix their product asap.
> JAWS, to name one product, is a very expensive software. Freedomscientific
> should take care of its customers, it is not to the authors to lower the
> quality of their documents to give SR users a better experience. 

but I would call them your customers first, JAWS customers second  - if
you can make their life easier, do it, then lobby the vendor and even
notify the JAWS user of the issue so they can too

> Because
> like I said, following this logic why not using table markup to give users
> of other UAs (old visual browsers like IE 5 Mac, NN6, etc) a better
> experience too? Why just SR users? 

because thats a different issue. Its an issue of the user not upgrading
to software thats available and thats better.  The issue we speak of is
the user unable to do anything about the situation themselves because
there is no better software, so we should look after them if we can.

> We have seen the same issue with acronym and abbr. Most authors are using
> "acronym" *instead* of "abbr" for the only reason that IE is
> ABBR-challenged, *not* because "acronym" is the proper element to use.

sure, but IE is challenged in many areas so there are many ways we do
things so they work in IE to make sure the end user is looked after. Are
you saying we should not use any workarounds in the hope Microsoft will
fix IE?

>> I would have thought take care of your users first and foremost and
>> then
>> lobby the vendors is a better approach.
> May be a better approach would be to use something like this:
> It takes care of the issue without cheating with the markup.

thats true and that solution is fine, but looking at the code, it seems
to me you've gone to a hell of a lot of trouble - personally I would
have just used different markup.
But seeing as you've already written it, then it's a good solution.

Chris Knowles

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