On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 13:07 +0000, James Leslie wrote:
> Another point to note is that many mobile phones have JavaScript enabled
> so this figure may increase with the expected rise in mobile popularity.
> *** Sorry - that should have said disabled not enabled **

not just many ... actually I would say MOST
(and its not "disabled" its simply not there!)

What kind of mobile phone does the average person use? 
... probably more likely to be a consumer-price-level phone (the kinds
of phones often offered with pre-paid plans) and probably a couple of
years old (how often does the average person buy a new phone?) rather
than the new high end devices we read so much about.

As for that figure, I'm not sure that includes browsers that don't
actually support javascript at all!

... and if the site collecting those stats isn't easy to use on a tiny
screen they probably wouldn't be getting many mobile visitors.

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