
Sorry I have to step in here.

> Seriously, I do think Ham Radio software does need to adopt some modern 
> architecture principles. 

ABSOLUTE GARBAGE in my opinion ... that attitude puts Amateur Radio and its 
people back into the stone age .... 

You move away from standards you get uncontrolled, unmanageable chaos. It is 
one of the basic rules of engineering and social sciences. Whether one likes it 
or not AR is really Amateur Applied Engineering as it crosses not only 
technical but also social boundaries.

You promote and set bad examples (not just technical - also behavioural) and 
bad examples just promulgate into fact.

Let me raise the classic "fact" example that I use all the time that is used to 
diminish AR and its people - The "Off Centre Fed Dipole". How can an dipole by 
scientific definition be fed off centre? Yet this appears time and time and 
time again in ARRL Manuals etc.... and this one example is OFTEN used at high 
engineering levels to put Amateur Radio and its technical competence down.

[ Ps... it is an Off-Centre-Fed Antenna not dipole ]

I will compliment Joe, Bill and Steve with WSJT-X. They have done an AMAZING 
thing and created AMAZING software under AMAZING engineering principles. As a 
simple their practise for even instantiating the objects that bring the whole 
GUI environ to live has set standards across the whole software engineering 
world. Their latest effort in compartmentalising the whole software structure 
(rather than just monolithic inside the same directory structure) is nothing 
short of pure brilliance and sets examples for the WHOLE engineering world that 
they themselves are following.

Yet.. There are some practises that can and could potentially occur that could 
drift away from good standards ... Also remember that software should work to 
interfaces; software should not DRIVE the interfaces.

This project and the people that communicate here are better than world-class. 
The associated but equally important people here are the people that work on 
Hamlib - and they are equally better than world class.

Sometimes some of us drop ideas and concepts into here (as I did the other day 
with the Software uninstall-before-new-deployment "lobby") in order to keep the 
project here as one of leading edge best example practise. It is known that 
developers do appreciate such comments as it also keeps them thinking about how 
to do things better.

Everything that we do better enhances the opinion of AR in the community - when 
AR is considered by many (including Government and Business) to be dead and 
dying and an old grumpy-man's delusional playground. It is this opinion that 
many of us are FIGHTING hard to break. With the examples set here and with 
Hamlib we go a long way to doing this.

If we want our "passion" (being AR) to survive we need to show the world that 
we are serious; we need to keep what we are doing as "serious". We need not let 
half-truths promulgate as that diminishes us all and our "passion".

Perhaps this is a subject better for a QRZ forum?

Grrrrrrr ... but 73.

Steve I

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