> It seems like the required addition to the manifest is quite simple
(as per 

okay, I managed to get my application running with the right manifest
(and I'm even using mingw instead of VS). What I mentioned earlier was
correct, but I was missing a proper way to reference the manifest.

It turned out that the way I included manifest was not correct as my
.rc file had "1 RT_MANIFEST zbstudio.manifest" and it should have been
"1 24 zbstudio.manifest". After I added the correct reference (and
included <dependentAssembly> reference)  the manifest was recognized
and I could run my application using wxlua 2.8.12 DLLs and could see
the expected results.

Unfortunately, this doesn't really help me as I was hoping to
reference a DLL that is included with Windows, rather than ship mine,
but maybe this will help others...


On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Paul K <paulclin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm very interested in what manifest needs to be used as well. My
> executable *does* include a manifest, but it doesn't statically
> compile wx.dll and loads it at run-time. My calendar looks like a
> generic one (the one that Milind has on the left side), so I either
> need to have a different content in the manifest or needs to include
> in the DLL file itself.
> It seems like the required addition to the manifest is quite simple
> (as per 
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb773175(v=vs.85).aspx):
>   <dependency>
>     <dependentAssembly>
>       <assemblyIdentity
>         type="win32"
>         name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
>         version=""
>       />
>     </dependentAssembly>
>   </dependency>
> I added it to my executable, but the controls are still shown as "generic" 
> ones.
> I also removed this part of the manifest from wxlua and it indeed
> turned the "native" controls into "generic" ones. It seems like this
> is what is missing from the lua.exe file, but I'm not sure (yet) why
> it's not working in my case...
> Paul.
> On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Milind Gupta <milind.gu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks John for putting time on this. When I posted this question on
>> wxWidgets (http://forums.wxwidgets.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=37587) they also
>> said about the manifest file. I didn't explore it further from there.
>>       But would not the manifest file not compiled with the wx.dll itself
>> why would Lua need to be compiled with it?
>> Thanks,
>> Milind
>> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 9:07 PM, John Labenski <jlaben...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Milind Gupta <milind.gu...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> So when you do this do you get the same differences or is it just
>>>> something on my system? Since these are run from the same Lua package but
>>>> show different renderings I am really curious why this happens.
>>> Hummm, I do see the same differences you do and I get the same results
>>> even when I compile it fresh using MSVC 2008 (the sourceforge packages were
>>> built with MSVC 6).
>>> I ran depends[1] on them and found that they all use the exact same DLLs
>>> except for these differences :
>>> They both use these two DLLS (note I built using 64-bit arch)
>>> c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.9200.16579_none_418ab7ef718b27ef\COMCTL32.DLL
>>> c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.9200.16579_none_8937eec6860750f5\COMCTL32.DLL
>>> wx.dll also uses this which is older and that may explain the older
>>> looking calendar control.
>>> c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.9200.16384_none_bf100cd445f4d954\COMCTL32.DLL
>>> I believe it has something to do with the manifest file, lua.exe is not
>>> compiled with one, but all the wxLua apps use the wxWidget manifest file.
>>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb773175%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
>>> I suppose I could try building lua.exe using a similar manifest file and
>>> see if that changes anything.
>>> Regards,
>>>      John
>>> [1] http://www.dependencywalker.com/
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