Here the answer I got from Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia on 02 Feb 2017.
I think we can be real pessimistic concerning X11 on macOS.

> [AF] A question about slow dialogues with OpenMotif and XQuartz (much slower 
> than with Linux).
> [JHS] <>
> There is a known issue there, I believe with Yosemite and newer versions of 
> macOS (maybe Mavericks+, maybe ElCap+, I forget exactly).  The issue is below 
> us in CoreGraphics and won't really be fixed on Apple's side as doing so 
> would fix this case but cause bad performance penalties for every single 
> other case out there.  The real solution is to get XQuartz off of libXplugin 
> and start using more modern macOS APIs (eg: finishing up libxcwm), but 
> there's not really anyone actively working on that right now.
> [AF] Are you the only one involved in XQuartz developments ?
> [JHS] Yes, and I spend significantly less than 1% of my time on it ... barely 
> enough to just pull in upstream changes, build, and ship.
> [AF] [...] but people are reluctant in using them on Macintoshes because of 
> that problem of slowness.
> [JHS] If you're interested in working on the replacement, I can point you in 
> the right direction.  It's maybe 60% done ... all by a group of college 
> seniors at PSU.
> --Jeremy


> On 30 Aug 2018, at 22:30, Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) <> 
> wrote:
> xorg-server from MacPorts is more up to date.
> -- Steve
> On 8/30/18, 3:54 PM, "X11-users on behalf of Mick Mueck" 
> < 
> <> on behalf 
> of <>> wrote:
> Hi All, 
> I'm an XQuartz user and immensely glad I can run CAD software (Cadence 
> Virtuoso) on a linux box and display all of it's X11 windows on my Mac. Very 
> many years ago I put a bug into the XQuartz system that wasn't deemed to have 
> a high priority, although it royally painful to me, and it's fix was never 
> tackled. Basically, the cursor size on many of the windows in this CAD tools 
> suite is about 4 times bigger than normal. When selecting menu items, I can't 
> properly read what I'm selecting because of the cursor size, tool-tips are 
> usually useless because the cursor obstructs most of it, editing a document 
> (placing the cursor, selecting text) is painful because the I-beam is four 
> lines high etc. Annoyingly, it's only with this Cadence software that the 
> cursor bug occurs - pretty much every other X11 window I interact with has a 
> cursor size that's just fine.
> Anyway, the version of XQuartz I'm using is 2.7.11 - I get it from 
> <>
>  and it's just about 2 years old. I'm wondering if development has migrated 
> to another place or is XQuartz is abandoned?
> Regards,
> Mick
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