
can somebody help me with the connectivity for a Kobo, please?

On this page

it says under Connectivity:

A) the Kobo has an on-board TTL port

B) connect a USB-RS232 adapter to the Kobo’s micro-USB socket with a 
USB-OTG adapter

C) connect to a WiFi adapter (e.g. to BlueNMEA running on an Android)

How exactly can I implement C) ? Can I use Kobo's WiFi? How can I 
configure BlueNMEA so that it streams out over WiFi? Or am I totally 
wrong here?

For B)
I have a USB-RS232 adapter. Can I buy just any USB-OTG adapter? I (kind 
of) understand OTG. So what's not clear to me is what the adapter has to 
do with the Kobo. Does it just provide the electrical connection and the 
Kobo supports OTG protocol already? Or is the adapter supposed to do 
some sort of protocol conversion between USB client on the Kobo and USB 
client on the USB-RS232 adapter? Who enumerates and powers the USB-RS232 

For A)
I have seen one serial port on the PCB in the Kobo. It's running at 3.3V 
logic levels. So a level shifter (MAX 232 or similar) is needed and some 
sort of connector to connect it to a FLARM, for instance. And I guess 
the power supply is going through the microUSB. Right? Has anybody a 
nice idea how to solve the mechanical challenge (connector, mounting, 
power supply)?

One last question: is the goal to make Kobo work with IOIO in the 6.7. 
release? Or did I misunderstand that?


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