KOBO seems to work very well with a bluetooth master connected to the
internal TTL level serial port.

I paired Soartronic BT1 module and a HC-05 Bluetooth master chip, and
soldered the master chip into the GND, 3.3V, RX and TX points that are
easily found inside of the KOBO.

2013/9/3 Max Kellermann <m...@duempel.org>

> On 2013/09/01 12:41, Ronald Niederhagen <ronald_niederha...@freenet.de>
> wrote:
> > How exactly can I implement C) ? Can I use Kobo's WiFi? How can I
> > configure BlueNMEA so that it streams out over WiFi? Or am I totally
> > wrong here?
> You can use WiFi.  Enable WiFi tehtering on your Android, launch
> BlueNMEA, connect the Kobo to that network, use XCSoar's "TCP client"
> device to connect to BlueNMEA.  Somewhat complicated; this
> implementation has lots of rough edges.
> > For B)
> > I have a USB-RS232 adapter. Can I buy just any USB-OTG adapter?
> Doesn't work just yet, until somebody hacks the Kobo kernel to
> understand OTG and RS232 adapters.  Will probably not be finished for
> 6.7.
> > One last question: is the goal to make Kobo work with IOIO in the 6.7.
> > release? Or did I misunderstand that?
> I'd really like to be compatible with IOIO, but this also requires
> kernel hacking (lots of).  Definitely not ready for 6.7.  Give me some
> more time next winter.  Or maybe somebody else likes to give it a try.
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