On 2013/09/05 14:34, James Kingdon <james.king...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has contributed to this
> discussion, and especially to those who have done the work porting XCSoar
> to the Kobo. I've been trying to work out what to replace my ageing Dell
> axim with, so based on the ideas discussed recently here I picked up a Kobo
> mini, added a bluetooth module and everything looks good so far. I'm
> looking forward to testing it out in the air.
> The start-up screen/menu has 'clear' and 'pause' buttons suggesting that
> the main window is monitoring something - what's that for?

Nothing yet.

Johnny wrote the menu and wanted to display the system log in the main
area, but that has not been finished, and I guess it's not useful for
most users.  It may be implemented eventually, but I guess it'll live
in some sub menu.


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